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Robb stared at the map in front of him, he didn't know what he was doing he was just a boy, he grew up to be a Lord not a King. He could hear people approaching the tent "Elena?" She walked it, she looked tired like she had been traveling for days. "Robb!" She ran to him. The two guards looked slightly embarrassed. "Thankyou for bringing her to me, go and get extra supper and a good rest" "yes your grace" Elena looked at Robb, they had been apart so long she thought she might of forgotten what he looked like but everything was the same, his smile, his curls or hair, his blue eyes, everything was perfect.

"They named you a king" Robb seemed just as surprised as Elena was "yes, soon after they took my fathers head" "I'm so sorry Robb..." Elena squeezed his hand gently. "How did you get here all alone?" Elena took a breath before she told Robb the news "it's Theon he took Winterfell, Osha helped me escape, Bran and Rickon escaped as well" Robb looked up "there here?" "No, they went with Osha and Hodor to the wall, to find your uncle Benjen" Robb's face was covered in disappointment. "I'm so glad your safe, I've missed you" Robb said smiling, he stood up and kissed her gently.

That night Elena stared into the darkness, she could hear faint voices of men in the distance, she could feel Robb's warmth clinging to her as he held her in his arms. She felt peaceful with him, she could almost forget the war just for a moment, it was just her and Robb No one else. It didn't last long. The next day Robb had to leave for battle he kissed Elena goodbye "I'll see you when I get back my love" if he came back Elena thought, she tried not to think the worst but she couldn't help it, what if he was killed what if she was left in this world alone, without Robb?

Elena went back to the tent, she remembered a long time ago when her and Robb last shared a tent was when they had just got married, they were traveling from Stonegate to Winterfell with Ned Stark, Catelyn Stark, Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon and where were they all now? She smiled at the memory. Elena felt like it was a lifetime ago.

Elena went for a walk around the camp, Robb had left a hundred men, and taken the rest to battle. Everywhere she turned all she could hear was "your grace" she smiled politely and carried on. She came across a cage of some sort it was made of wood, but it looked strong. As she got closer she could see someone in the cage. He looked at her fiercely "so your the young Wolf's bitch then, got any pups yet?" Elena scowled at the man who was mocking her. The man smiled arrogantly. He was covered in dirt, his hair grew long across his face, it was covered in mud and blood. "Who are you?" "Your husband not told you? I'm the kings layer, Jamie Lannister" Elena's blood ran cold "you pushed Bran didn't you?" Elena bore her eyes into him, eventually she gave up and walked away.

When she returned to her tent, she saw two men approaching they were dragging a girl with them, she had to be a similar age to Elena. "What are you doing?" Elena asked "we found her, she's a spy" Elena scoffed, when she realised they were serious she stopped "we should kill her now" "and what do you think King Robb will say after you murder a young girl for ridiculous crimes, unhand her take her into my tent" the two men didn't move for a second, Elena stood her ground and raised her eyebrows "now!" The two men did as they were told.

The girl was taken into the tent, and left alone, she was in a strange place and all alone.

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