A Goodbye

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Chapter four

Elena couldn't sleep that night she couldn't stop thinking of that creep touching her sister like that, disgracing her, how could she of been so stupid? In the morning Elena woke up to the sound of a carriage and horses outside, she quickly slipped on her green dress and went into the court yard her sister was stood there crying waiting for her things to be put on the carriage "where are you going?" Ella gave Elena a harsh glare "are you happy now? I'm being sent away to grandfathers, I have to leave because of you!" Ella screamed at her "don't blame this on me it was you in the wrong not me!" "You have to be so perfect don't you I bet your loving this watching me get sent away you have ruined my life!" "It's not my fault you couldn't keep your legs closed! Your like some common whore no wonder your being sent away" Elena soon realised that Robb and Jon were stood by the door, listening to the whole thing,

Ella got into the carriage and left, as soon as she had gone Elena felt an emptiness inside of her, maybe she was right maybe it was her fault, she would probably never see her sister again, they weren't close but they were family. Elena was still looking out into the distance. Harry came and comforted her he hugged her tight which instead of comforting her made her feel uneasy he was never kind what was he doing? He was putting on an act of the caring brother in front of the Starks Elena soon realised.

Elena went to find her mother and father who she found talking to Lord and lady Stark, They looked at her kindly, before they left. "Why did you send her away?" Elena asked her parents once they were gone. "She has disgraced us, imagine Robb found his betrothed with some boy in the stables, nothing more than a whore" her mother said sourly "she needs to learn respect" her father said sternly "at least one of our daughters is sensible" Elena looked at her mother, that was probably the closest thing to a compliment she had ever heard. "She had embarrassed this family, shamed us" her mother was furious.

"Come child we need to get ready for the feast with the Starks tonight" her mothers tone had suddenly changed to a more welcoming one, her father gave her a warm smile before she left. Her mother gently brushed through her wavy brown hair, she could remember her mother doing this when she was a child. "I know I've never shown you love, but I do love you like a mother should love her child" her mother was facing her now her soft eyes connecting with Elena's. It was a rare moment Elena and her mother ever bonded. When they were ready they walked down to the main hall to join the others. They were they last ones there, Lady Evelyn took a seat next to Lord Thomas and Harry. Elena sat next to Sansa and Katherine, opposite Robb. He gave her a small smile, which she returned. After the food had been served everyone chatted amongst themselves.

Lord Stark stood up, Lord Stark began "me and Lord Bridgewater have been discussing our houses and we have come to a decision that they should be joined together by marriage. My eldest son Robb and Lord Bridgewater's daughter Elena, when she becomes of age" Elena looked up shocked, why had no one told her? She tried to remain calm in front of everyone, she dared to look at Robb who looked just as shocked as she did. "With this marriage House Stark and House Bridgewater will be allies!" Everyone cheered and seemed happy apart from Elena and Robb, "may I be excused father" Lord Bridgewater looked at her until he finally said "yes".

Elena could hardly breathe after she had got out of the main hall she ran to her room, Sophie and Lucy tried to comfort her and ask her what was wrong,tears filled her eyes, she couldn't believe it how could this happen, suddenly it all made sense "Robb can not marry Ella anymore who he was betrothed to, so now I am to marry him, I did nothing wrong yet I am being punished?!" "Shhh child it's okay, it's okay" Sophie assured her hugging her tight "there could be worse people to marry, Robb is a similar age to you and he is from a honourable family he would treat you nicely" Lucy tried to convince Elena.

"Leave me" Elena hissed.
"are you sure my lady?" "I said leave me! Get out!" Elena was angry how dare they try and force this on her how could they do this to her? She cried all night into her pillow.

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