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Chapter 5

Elena woke to the sound one of her maids running a bath, she took off her slip and put on her bath robe, she sat on the end of the bed still thinking about the news last night. "I still can't believe it..." Sophie gave her a sympathetic smile, while Lucy poured more water into the bath.
When her maids left she untied her bath robe and dipped one of her toes in the hot water, when she got in she leaned her head back and closed her eyes thinking about what she would say to Robb.

"Well at least you've got something out of this" Theon said, "and what's that?" Robb replied, he was still just as shocked about the news. "Well you get to marry Elena now the prettier one" "do you ever shut up about girls?" Jon said in a mocking way "just because you've never been with one" Robb gave Theon a look that shut him up. "She's only ten and five" Robb said "at least the other girl was a few years older. "Yeah, well it's done now, now she is your betrothed." The words echoed in Robb's head.

Robb decided to go and find Elena and talk with her alone. Elena had got out the bath and Lucy was lacing up her dress when a knock was heard at the door, Sophie went and opened the door, to find Robb stood in the doorway, Robb glanced at Elena seeing bruises on her back as she quickly put on her cloak. "Please can I have a word with Lady Elena" the maids understood their presence was no longer needed.
Elena stared out the window trying to compose herself. "Look I don't know what to say, I wasn't told either that we would be... Betrothed" he hadn't said it out loud yet and all of a sudden it seemed more real to both of them.

"I am honoured my Lord, I just hope I am not a disappointment to you" Elena's wide eyes were looking at Robb now, "how could you be a disappointment, don't call me that, call me Robb" Elena gave him a soft smile.
"Who gave you them bruises?" "What... Where?" "On your back I saw them "oh, there from when I fell the other night" Robb looked at her softly "they look older than than and more like someone has hit you" Elena looked horrified at Robb, he stood closer to her now, towering over her as her brother had done. Elena stepped back in fear.

"Why won't you tell me who is hurting you?" "No one is hurting me, why can't you just leave it?" Elena's voice sounded desperate so Robb apologised, kissed her on the cheek and left. Elena thought about what had just happened and went to find her brother.

Harry was walking in the garden with Katherine, "brother I need a word with you please" Harry turned around to find his sister desperately wanting to talk to him, he sighed and kissed Katherine on the cheek and wished her good day. "What is it?" Harry said in a exasperated voice when Katherine was out of ear shot. "People keep asking me about..." She didn't know how to describe it "the bruises... It has to stop" Harry looked at her for a moment "well if you start behaving how you should I wouldn't have to" Elena nodded her head and said "I will do as I'm told, and act like the lady I am supposed to be" Elena recited as though she had said it a thousand times.

Harry smiled with satisfaction "good, well sweet sister shall we walk?" Elena linked his arm and they walked thought the gardens "do I have to marry Robb?" "It is a great honour, the Starks have one of the best houses, we must be allied with them" Elena thought for a moment and agreed silently. "He likes you I can tell, anyway we all have to do our duty I am now betrothed as well." Elena looked at her brother and immediately felt sorry for his bride to be, "to who?" "Katherine, she will do her duty for me and one day we will rule Stonegate as The Lord and Lady" Elena wondered about what she would rule, Winterfell?
"Once you have bled and are fit to bear children the wedding arrangements will be made for you and Robb" Elena looked a little shocked when she heard the word bled, she had no idea what to expect and she started to dread the day she would become a woman.

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