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Elena woke to the sound of crying she sat up to see Robb rocking Evelyn in his arms "shh, it a okay" he tried to sooth, Elena smiled. Robb saw that she was awake "she knows how to cry, I'll give her that" Elena stood by Robb and gently brushed Evelyn's face with her hand "she's so beautiful" Elena whispered "she gets that from you" Elena rolled her eyes at Robb and smiled. "What's wrong with her?" Robb said, he had tried everything but she wouldn't settle "I don't know" Robb looked at Elena "maybe she needs feeding" Elena soon caught onto what he was talking about "I haven't done it before though" a worried expression appeared in her face "we can only try, Elena sat on the bed, resting her back against the pillows.

Robb lowered Evelyn into Elena's arms, she started untying her nightgown, at first Evelyn didn't do anything but to Elena's surprised Evelyn started feeding from her, tears pricked at Elena's eyes, she was speechless "I told you, you have a strong bind, you're the only one that can feed her, that's special" Elena looked up at Robb tears were pouring from Elena's eyes "I can't believe it..." Elena soon whispered. When Evekyn had finished she starting gurgling, then she soon fell asleep in Elena's arms.

When Elena woke again Evekyn was sound asleep in her crib, Robb was staring at the map Elena hugged him from behind causing him to smile "good morning my queen" "good morning my king" Robb looked back to the May "we have Casterly Rock now, the next thing to take is Kinglanding" "can you do it?" "I need more men, the only one I can try negotiating with is Stannis" "are you sure?" Robb. Odder his head in deep thought. "We will have to travel to Dragonstone first, he wants the Lannisters gone just as much as we do... Then he can sit on the iron throne and we can go home... To Winterfell" Elena watched Robb he seemed to have been so wrapped up in war he had never spoken of Winterfell for a long time.

They had started traveling that morning they had already reached Maidenpool, another days travel and they would be there, they had to be cautious being so close to Kingslanding but they had to go there was no other way. Robb paced up and down the tent, Elena could feel he was tense and she could sense his anxiety, Robb wanted to go home as soon as he could, as soon as he had his sisters back and the Lannisters were long gone, they could go back to Winterfell.

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