A Gift

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Chapter Ten

That night Elena lay awake thinking about her kiss with Robb, she got up and sat by the window she looked at how bright the moon shone down on the river a couple of miles away from Stonegate, she knew this was the last time she would look upon it, in the morning she was going to go to Winterfell, with the Starks.
She looked over to see he was still asleep, dreaming probably. She got back on to bed and kissed him lightly on his soft lips before she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

That morning Elena was packing the last of her dresses, Robb had given her a new dress for the ride, a light beige one with a white fur lining perfect for up North, heavy footsteps were approaching the door, Robb came in and smiled "have you finished packing?" "Yes, I'm all set, when do we leave?"
"Father wants to leave before noon, so about an hour, are you upset"
"about what?" "Leaving your home, your family?" Elena thought about it for a moment "no... I'm pleased to be leaving."

All the horses and carriages filled the courtyard, just like the first time the Starks had arrived, but this time Elena was going with them, for now she was a Stark". After she had said her farewells to her mother and father, she allowed Robb to help her onto her horse and they set off to Winterfell, leaving her home and going to her new one.

An hour before nightfall Lord Stark decided it was time to set up camp, Elena's and Robb's tent had been set up, Elena felt like it was more of a home than Stonegate ever was. Eddard Stark decided to camp up for a few days, there was a snow storm reported a few miles north, they were going to wait it out, to avoid any danger.

That night Elena and Robb were in their tent, Robb was stood in his breeches, bare chested washing his face, Elena's eyes flickered over Robb's toned chest, she could feel the fluttering feeling in her stomach again, Robb dried his face and noticed Elena looking at him, he gave her a shy smile, she was unlacing her dress until she was only in her slip. "I got you a gift" Robb announced "Thank you, you're too kind" Elena smiled gratefully, Robb went over to a small box and opened it, displaying a beautiful necklace, it had three small crystals decorated with a silver plating.
"It's beautiful Robb" he walked over to her, Elena held her hair up and turned around, Robb's hands gently placed it around her neck, he lingered for a second longer.

Elena turned to look at him, they were standing close, Robb leaned in and gave Elena a tender kiss, Elena returned it, it was the first passionate kiss they had both shared together. Elena's soft hands dusted Robb's face, he leaned in closer, they both stopped for a moment to look at each other smiling.

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