Home to Winterfell

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Robb was riding at the front, Elena, Catelyn and Sansa rode together just behind. They had been travelling for weeks now, it felt like they would never get home, the only sign of them traveling more North was the bite of the cold in their cheeks and noses, everyone was tired the war had lasted too long, lots of men had died everyone just wanted to go home, to be warm and with the wives and children, their families. Robb started to recognise places, places he, Jon, Bran and father used to ride to, when he was just a boy.

That's when he saw it, he could see the walls, the towers of Winterfell he could feel a shiver go through him... He was home.

When they reached the gated the courtyard was full of people, he got down off his horse to see everyone had bowed, it took his mind back to when King Robert had arrived and he had bowed, before anything bad had happened. That's when he saw Hodor and Osha, Bran was on Hodors shoulders Rickon was hiding behind Osha, peeking his head around her waist. "Bran! Rickon!" Robb ran to them he held them close to him... All if a sudden he remembered what home was i wasn't the walls of Winterfell, it was his family he couldn't bear it if he was alone with no one. Jon was stood close to them, he had returned to the wall when Robb had left for Dragonstone, Robb had missed him aswell.

Everyone was leaving the courtyard excepts the Starks, Robb's faced started to prickle with disappointment "but... Where's Arya?" Robb looked at Jon, who's faced didn't change. He looked around the courtyard he could see a small boy in ragged clothes, he was stood by the wall, looking curiously at everyone, around his waist a thin sword was attached to his belt... Robb looked again, then to Jon and Bran "Arya?" Catelyn stared at her with disbelief, Arya rolled her eyes seeing her mothers face looking at her like that, as if she was just about to tell her off, but she just hugged her tightly she didn't say a word, she didn't care what Arya was dressed like, she had her girls back, her sons... Even Jon.

Robb turned to Elena who was cradling Evelyn in her arms, he out an arm around them both and kissed Elena on the forehead, the. He whispered in her ear "we're all together again."

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