The Weirwood Tree

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Beads of sweat were dripping down Brans forehead, he lay on the bed covered in furs, Summer at his side, lady Catelyn had not slept for two days. Her eyes were overflowing with tears. Elena sat at the window she was staring across the moors of Winterfell. She could hear rushing or footsteps she turned to the door, to see Robb pushing the door open he ran to his brother, he hugged his mother tightly. Elena could see how close the Stark family were, she found herself envying them, she had never had a close family.

Robb then turned to Elena who sat up straight by the window. He pulled her close toward him, he pecked her lips "what happened, I was told you found him" "I did it was after you left for the hunt, I found him laying at the bottom of the tower, he was pushed" "by who?" "I don't know but before I found him, I saw two people running away" "who were they?" Robb questioned there was an anger in his voice that was now filled with rage "I don't know" "well you must of saw them? Anything?" Elena desperately tried to think Robb and Catelyn were looking to her for answers, answers she didn't have.

Elena was still shaken up slightly from Robb demanding answers from her. She rested her head next to Robb who was staring at the ceiling as if he was searching for answers, who pushed him? Why? Kept going through his head. Elena watched him slightly concerned, she had missed Robb being with her, she missed his warmth and security he gave her. She sat up, making Robb turn to her "are you still annoyed at me?" Elena asked wide eyed, Robb laughed slightly which made Elena feel less nervous. "I was never annoyed at you, I'm just trying to figure this all out, I've missed you" Elena gave him a small smile. Robb kissed her deeply, passionately. Elena turned over to Robb, she sat on his thighs, she looked deep into his eyes "Bran will be okay, and then he can tell us what happened" Robb hadn't thought of that, but he believed bran would live. He then started unlacing Elena's dress while kissing her softly. Elena started untying Robb's shirt, he had missed connecting with her like this, he couldn't imagine missing someone so much by not being around someone.

The next morning Elena went down to the courtyard to say goodbye to Sansa and Arya, she would miss them. They were traveling down with Lord Eddard Stark and the King and Queen to Kingslanding, Ned had taken up the offer of hand of the king and was going to travel on the kings road once again. Elena was walking back from the courtyard she started walking towards the Godswood she hadn't visited it since her first time in Winterfell, where she first met Greywind. She sat by the Weirwood tree, watching the red leaves dance across the calm water, she could hear someone approaching she thought it could be Robb, she stood up to find Joffrey stood there, he had followed her?

"There you are my Lady, were you not going to see me off?" Elena looked suspiciously at Joffrey, she then realised she was alone away from anyone, with him, Joffrey. "Don't be so afraid" Joffrey started walking closer towards her, just like he had done in the corridor, Elena could feel her heart beating faster, her breaths becoming louder. "What do you want?" Joffrey's smile disappeared and a scowl appeared on his face " your grace" he said loudly. "What?" Elena was confused, what was he talking about? "You will address me as your grace I am your prince" Elena was so frightened she had completely forgotten "I'm sorry your grace" Elena bowed her head, "you are a pretty, the said your sister was pretty aswell" "my sister is with my grandfather your grace" "yes, I know why as well, Theon Greyjoy I believe" Joffrey's smile had returned and it seem to pierce straight into Elena's soul, there was something about him that terrified her.

"So your father made you marry Robb Stark instead of your sister" Elena wondered why he was saying this, what did he want? "You never wanted Robb did you?" Joffrey came in closer, until he was stood right in front of Elena "I've seen the way you look at me, you don't want the wolf you want the lion" "what? No your grace I love Robb he is my husband!" Elena tried to move away from Joffrey but he grabbed her arms tightly, he pushed her against the tree "stop it please" Elena begged, "I am your prince, you will do as I say" elena started screaming for anyone, anyone to help her suddenly it wasn't her screams that filled the Godswood, it was Joffrey's, Elena looked up in shock to see Greywind who had his teeth sunk deep into Joffrey's arm. "Stop it Greywind!" The direwolf obeyed and let Joffrey go, two guards rushed over, Elena turned to find Greywind had gone, she prayed he didn't come back, they would kill him.

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