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Elena entered the tent, she looked warily at the girl who fiddles with the sleeves on her dress "what's your name" the girl looked up nervously "Indira... Your grace" she had long blonde hair, with glints of gold in. She had turquoise eyes which shimmered. She had a porcelain face with soft, pink lips. She was wearing a green, emerald dress, it was ripped slightly at the bottom and was muddy.

"What are you doing here" the girl hesitated and said nothing "fine I can wait till Robb gets back and he can question you" the girl looked up quickly "I'm sorry... Your grace, I wanted to help the soldiers... treat their wounds" Elena raised her eyebrows in surprise "so your trained?" The girl looked down and continued to fiddle with her dress "I have some experience, I worked with the Maester" Elena smiled kindly, she called one of the guards into the tent "please can you take Indira to the Maester" the guard looked hesitant, Elena sighed "are you going to do as I say?" "Yes your grace." Indira followed the guard out.

Elena started doing some needlework, Lady Catelyn walked in "your grace" Elena smiled at the sight of Catelyn she hadn't seen her for weeks "you don't have to call me that" Catelyn examined the stitching, and raised her eyebrows, Elena laughed at this "I'm terrible aren't I? I could never do it even as a child" "here let me help you" lady Catelyn's fingers worked quickly, making sure every stitch was in place. Elena looked astonished at how fast she finished it. They had dinner together, and chatted mostly about family, not one of them dared to mention the war.

When lady Catelyn had left, Elena got into bed, she soon drifted off, she dreamt she was in Winterfell and everyone she knew was there, her father and mother, her brother, her sister, Catelyn Stark, Eddard Stark, Bran, Arya, Sansa, Rickon except Robb he was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly everyone was gone, Elena was left in darkness, when it was light again Elena could see a figure as it cam closer, the figure was faceless, it was like a blur to Elena. She soon realised she was surrounded by blood, everywhere and then she saw Robb, the faceless figure stood behind him and sliced through him with its hand, She could see Robb's eyes as they faded, blood poured out of him, Elena was powerless, she couldn't move "Nooo!"

Elena screamed, she woke up gasping, She was sweating viciously, tears flooded her eyes. She looked up to see Robb, She gently touched his face, "what's wrong?" Robb looked concerned. Elena was pulled back to the reality which she was dragged from "it was just a dream..." Robb held Elena close. "Your safe now..." Robb soothed. "How was the battle?" Elena looked into Robb's eyes with worry "we lost 300 men, I can't get it out my mind, those 300 men had families, fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters and I stole that from them I took them down here and for what? What are we even doing, we keep winning the battles but we're losing this war" Elena leant her forehead against his chin and stroked his cheeks "shhh..." Elena soothed. "Stop torturing yourself, you are doing this for your father remember, for the North, if you're not strong why should they be, you have to be the best leader, you can win this war, you have to have faith."

"I've missed you, it doesn't get easier leaving you, even just for a day, it's what I think about when I'm fighting, your face" Elena smiled slightly embarrassed "stop teasing me..." Elena laughed "I'm serious, it gets me back... I love you" "I love you too... My king" Robb still had his armour on. It was covered in mud and blood. Elena started to unbuckle the shoulders, she wiped it down with a wet cloth that was soaked in a bucket of water. Robb stared at the floor he couldn't get the men's faces out of his head, no matter how many times he's told it's for a good cause, is it even true? Is it all in vain?

Elena carefully put Robb's armour away, she sat on the bed with him again and rubbed her thumb over his knuckles "I hate it when you have to leave" Robb smiled and kissed Elena lightly. He gently stroked her face, cupping her face in his hands. "I love you..." Elena moved closer towards Robb, his hands worked there way towards her thighs, he lightly stroked them, he started pulling her gown up. He kissed her neck passionately. Elena ran her fingers through his curly locks of hair. "I love you too..."

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