The Tower

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"I'll be seeing you again" echoed in Elena's mind, over and over she sat at the edge of the bed, still shaken up by Joffrey's cruel words. "What's wrong?" Robb looked concerned and crouched down next to Elena. He place his hands in hers and looked into her ice blue eyes. "Nothing... It's just" Elena could see the disbelief on Robb's eyes "it's Joffrey, he just scared me a little" Robb brows furrowed, "why what did he do?" Robb said protectively "just about my sister that's all, and he said he would see me again" Robb seemed angry to Elena, just as he was when they found Theon with Ella, "please just leave it, It will make it worse if you say anything" Elena's eyes were pleading with him "fine but you have to be with someone at all times! And if he says anything more you must tell me" Robb growled fiercely.

"Look at you all protective" Elena said playfully "well, it's what I vowed to do on our wedding day didn't I?" Robb said kissing her. Elena walked over to the dressing table where she started unbraiding her hair, she flowed her fingers though her thick, brown hair. Robb sat on the bed contently watching her. Elena looked in the mirror behind her, to see Robb smiling at her. Elena came and sat next to Robb, "why did the king and queen come this far north?" Robb seemed to think for a moment "the King has asked my father to be hand of the king, we're going on a hunt tomorrow before they set off South again" "how long for?" Elena blurted out, she hadn't realised how desperate she had sounded, she looked down. "Why will you miss me?" Robb teased. "No... Well it's just... We've never been apart since we were married" Robb pulled Elena in closer, he kissed her forehead. Elena stroked Robb's face, she drew nearer to him.

The next morning, Robb was sat on the edge of the bed putting on his boots. Elena squinted at the bright sunlight that pierced through the window, "why are you getting ready do early, why don't you come back to bed" Elena smiled, she hugged him from behind and kissed the side of his face "don't tempt me, I hardly want to go on this hunt as it is" Elena smiled "I don't want to be left all alone" "I'll be back soon" Robb kissed Elena goodbye and left the room. Elena looked around dimly.

Later that day she decided to go for a walk, she took Greywind with her, he had grown since they first arrived Winterfell he almost reached Elena's waist. She started collecting Flowers, she reached a large tower, she saw two people running away from the tower, Elena was in the trees, they couldn't see her, why were they in such a hurry. Elena got closer all she could make out was a man and a woman who both had blonde hair. When they were out of sight, Elena ran over to the tower , what were they running from? Elena climber the tower, she found nothing there. It didn't feel right, something was wrong. Elena walked over to the window she could see the whole of Winterfell, she could hear a whimpering below she looked down to see Summer, she could see A boy lying on the ground, he wasn't moving, she looked closer "Bran?!" Elena rushed down to the bottom of the tower, she shook Bran "Bran! Wake up" she could see guards rushing over "what happened my lady" one of the men asked. "He must of fell..." Elena soon put the pieces together, the two people running away the must of done it "he must of been pushed!" Elena was shocked at her own words, but who would do that?

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