Casterly Rock

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A few weeks later, Elena stared at herself in the mirror, she could tell her stomach was bigger, she rubbed her hand over it to feel a bump. Robb woke up and looked at Elena, he kissed her gently on her shoulders and up her neck "go back to sleep" Elena laughed "I will if you will" Robb said through his kisses. Elena sighed "please..." Robb wined slightly. Elena gave up and Robb kissed her lips softly.

Robb was running his fingers through Elena's hair, Elena sat up slightly, "Robb..." "Yes, my queen" he said grinning. Elena smiled at him "I'm... I'm pregnant" Robb's eyes widened, he looked at Elena for a moment "are you sure?" Elena nodded she pulled Robb's hand over her tummy. "Can't you feel it... That's our baby" Elena smiled up at Robb, who had tears running down his face "I can't believe it..." He hugged Elena. "How Far gone?" "I don't know... Indira said it could be a few months" Robb kissed Elena and felt her tummy again "I love you" "I love you too" Elena whispered.

A few weeks later...

"I'll be back soon... Don't worry" Robb kissed Elena goodbye "please don't go..." Elena begged Robb, her face was puffy and red. "I have to... Once we take Casterly Rock, when we take our home... We are one step closer to defeating the Lannisters." Elena held onto Robb "I love you..." Robb climbed onto his horse and once again set off away from Elena. She remembered the last time he went away, the pain. But this time it was worse.

Elena started making her way to the tent, she looked over to where the kings layer was. Indira was talking to him, as she got closer, Indira realised and started walking away. "Indira!" Elena shouted, she turned and starting walking towards her "yes, your grace" "why were you talking to him?" Indira took a breath before she spoke "I... He asked my to get him water and food" "he gets it at night he can wait... Come along" Indira followed Elena obediently. "I want you to help me, I need to start altering my dresses, there getting really tight now" "yes your grace" Indira kneeled down she started to pin one of the dresses.

When Indira had left, Elena started to undress for her bath, she saw the size of her tummy and looked down in shock, she hadn't realised how big she was getting and how fast. She gently sat down in the water, she could feel the steam from the water rising and resting on her face. She payed back and closed her eyes.

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