Together again

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"Elena!" Robb galloped on his horse towards Elena. He jumped down and hugged her tightly "Are you okay? Are you hurt?!" Robb looked down to see the bundle in Elena's arms, he could see s tiny face looking up at him, he was stunned for a moment "is that..." "Yes that's our daughter" Robb looked into Elena's eyes, he couldn't believe it, tears were spilling down Robb's cheeks, Elena held out the baby to Robb, who carefully took her in his arms, he looked down at her to see two blue eyes looking up at him "she has your eyes" Elena smiled "no he has our eyes" Robb said.

"Where's the kingslayer?" Roose Bolton shouted, making the baby stir, Robb passed her back to Elena he had forgotten about him, for that moment he forgot everything apart from Elena and his daughter. "Where did he go" Robb turned to Elena, then to Alton. "Who are you?" "Alton Lannister your grace" Robb nodded his head "why did you bring Elena to is?" "Ser Jamie, told me to your grace" "Robb please let Jamie go... He let me go, unharmed" "he took you! He was taking you to kingslanding" "yes but he didn't did he? He protected me against Lannister men, please let him go!" Elena's eyes were pleading with Robb.

Robb looked to Roose Bolton who eyed him beadily "your grace we need to find him, he was our most valuable prisoner "send 10 men after him, the rest are coming back to camp." Elena looked down, she knew it wasn't her place to question the king but he was wrong, she knew it. Elena turned and started walking back to the horses.

When they got back Elena was looking down at her daughter, they had to use a wooden box for a crib, but Elena filled it with silks and cloths to make it perfect for her baby. She was sleeping soundly. Elena turned to hear footprints, she looked up to see Robb who have her a small smile, she turned back to the baby. "Elena I'm sorry, but this is war I have to listen to my men, it's not just what I want" "he could of killed me you know, after I'd given birth, two Lannisters were going to kill me and our baby, but Jamie protected us, and Alton" Robb knelt down and rubbed Elena's back "I'm sorry" "it's not my place to tell you what to do" Elena said with a hint of bitterness.

"You know when I woke this morning I had nothing, you were gone, I didn't know wether or not you were dead, but now I have you back, and we have our baby... Our daughter, a lot can change in a day" Elena turned to Robb "very poetic... How long did it take you to think of that?" Robb smiled "we should think of a name, how about after your mother... Evelyn?" Elena thought "Evelyn Indira Stark." "It's perfect" Robb replied.

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