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Chapter Three

Elena winced as she touched the cut on her face, she sat at her dressing table staring at it, how would she explain it? Maybe she fell this time, she often said that and no one said anything, but the Starks could, they don't have to live in her brothers shadow. She thought she would try and stay out of there way, her brother had made that clear, maybe she could got riding with Katherine.

When she was dressed in her riding gear she soon found Katherine she was in the garden talking to Harry, when she saw Elena's cut she stood up quickly and asked "what happened? Are you okay?" Elena could see her brother staring at her, his eyes gorging into her, she smiled "oh it's nothing I fell actually after the feast the wine must of gone straight to my head" she tried to laugh it off, Katherine didn't look convinced. "I was wondering if you wanted to come riding with me for the day?" Elena changed the subject quickly "yes, I suppose I have nothing other to do I would love to join you on such a nice day". They started walking to the stables, when they got to the courtyard Robb, Jon, Arya and bran were already there, preparing their horses to ride.

"Are you going to show us around then lady Elena? I almost thought you weren't coming" Elena remembered the conversation last night, she had completely forgotten "we might as well ride with you we were going riding anyway" Katherine said. Elena looked at Katherine shocked, she knew if her brother found out she would be in for it. "What happened to your face?" Arya asked her curiously, Robb and Bran looked at her aswell for an answer. "Em... Nothing... I fell last night , I'm fine" she saw Jon looking at her suspiciously. Katherine could tell she was uncomfortable and decided to change the subject "well, we could go to the godswood first?" Arya and bran agreed while Robb was still looking at Elena. She went to get her horse, Jon had followed her in when she saw him he said "you didn't fall did you?" "Why would I lie?" Elena replied nervously "It was you last night" Elena thought back to the footsteps she heard, she started panicking slightly "you can't tell anyone it doesn't matter" "what happened?" No it was an accident, just leave it!" She lead out her horse into the courtyard away from Jon.

They had arrived at the godswood, Katherine started explaining everything about the godswood to Arya and Bran who listened contently, Jon stayed with the horses. Robb was walking side by side with Elena they hadn't spoken properly yet "my brother told me about last night" Robb said quietly, Elena wondered why Jon had to see it, she felt ashamed. She said nothing "who hit you?" Elena looked confused at Robb "I thought your brother saw?"
"It was to dark, he just heard it and a girl crying and when you showed up with a cut on your face he put two and two together" Elena could feel her eyes stinging and her throat became tight she managed to get out a few words "please... Just leave it" before she joined Katherine, bran and Arya.

Elena and Robb had rode a little faster than the other and so got to Stonegate faster they both walked towards the stables in silence, Robb opened the door to find Theon with a girl. "Ella!" The girl got up at grabbed her dress quickly putting it on "what in seven hells are you doing!?" Elena was shocked at her sister. Theon stood up smugly and got dressed, Harry could hear Elena's shouting and raced over, when he saw Ella and Theon, he could see what had happened a mask of anger overcame him but for once it wasn't at Elena it was at Ella. Robb and Elena still stood there in shock, Robb was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to do or say so just remained quiet.

Harry grabbed Ella and started pushing her, he had taken her to mother and father. "I told you I would lie with one of them pretty girls" Theon said smugly. Robb gave him a stern glare and pushed him up against the barn door "what have you done! Why do you have to do such stupid things he punched him across the face, knocking him to the ground. Jon had to pull Robb away to stop him doing any more damage to Theon. It was a different side to Robb Elena had ever seen.

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