The flames

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Elena could see Stannis and Robb and all there men heading towards kingslanding, she couldn't bear it, everything Robb had done so far had lead up to this it was as if all of that pain was now drawn together, if anything happened to Robb Elena didn't know what she would do, she couldn't live without him how would she raise Evelyn if he lost the Lannisters would make sure his heir was destroyed they would want the North for themselves.

Elena went down into the hall where mellisandre was sitting she eyed Elena thoughtfully "sit with me my child" Elena was no child she was a mother but she didn't argue "you are worried I sense?" "My husband is at war with the Lannisters and he is trying to sack kingslanding obviously I am worried" Elena said in a harsher tone that she meant to. Mellisandre gently brushed the back of her hand across elenas cheek "there is no need child I have seen the great victory come, see.

She walked over to the fire, she stared into it as if it were a person "come" Elena warily walked over to the fire "look into it deep into the flames" Elena felt drawn to it, all her worrying and sadness left her she felt free of it in the flames she saw Robb he was fighting, men in gold armour and red cloaks, then she saw him again he was dripping in blood but it wasn't his, he was stood over a boy just younger than him with golden hair the boy was crying as if he was begging for his life he had a crown rested on his head. Robb then drew his sword and with one swift hit the boys head was gone. Blood flowed everywhere. Red stained the floor, the walls, everything.

Elena quickly jumped back, mellisandre was staring at her "Stannis and Robb will prevail they will defeat the Lannisters and Joffery. Elena was still panting, heat flushed through her uncontrollable all she could see was Robb covered in blood the look on his eyes the look of hate and death.

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