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Chapter Eight

Elena looked nervously at Robb who was closing the door, she knew it was her duty as his wife to bear his children, but she had no idea what to do. So she stood their helplessly praying for it to be over. Robb looked at her sadly there was a soft glint to his eyes, that somehow even though Elena was scared of him made her feel safe in his presence.

Robb turned towards the basin filled with water, he took off his shirt and scooped up the water in his hands, and washed behind his neck, he saw Elena watching him and glanced at her she quickly looked away, blushing like the first time he had smiled at her in the courtyard.
Elena gently walked over to the dressing table which she sat at while she started to unpin her hair, it was long and wavy straight down to her waist, she then started to unlace her dress until she was only in her slip. Robb stood in his breaches and looked at her.

"I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to" Robb said awkwardly it seemed he was just as uncomfortable as Elena.
"But aren't we supposed to... Consummate the marriage?" Elena asked innocently. "I'm not going to force you because of some stupid tradition, I won't touch you until you want me to" Elena couldn't believe what he was saying she was surprised about how understanding he was and she sensed he didn't want to be forced into it either. They both shared a moment of understanding for each other.

Robb then walked over to the bed where he laid down, Elena still stood on the same spot hadn't moved an inch. "I won't touch you" Robb assured her, she timidly walked over to the bed and laid on the very edge of it with her back towards Robb "goodnight" she spoke softly "goodnight" Robb replied.

In the morning Robb woke to find Elena had already gone, he was quite relieved as he never knew what to say to her. He went to find his brother Jon who was in the courtyard with the horses. "Jon there you are" Jon turned to see his brother smiling at him. They talked until they were interrupted my a distressed girl, she ran up to Robb, it was Sophie "please my lord, you must come, it's Elena" she was begging for his assistance. She lead him to the great hall to find Harry beating Elena "that will teach you sweet sister" Elena was in a heap on the floor crying and begging her brother to stop, she was bleeding.
Harry stopped when he saw Robb approaching he stepped back "what in seven hells do you think your doing?!" Robb growled at Harry, Jon ran over to Elena, "she didn't do her duty last night, she disobeyed" Harry tried to explain his reasons, Robb had him by the throat "I chose not to consummate the marriage and if you ever touch my wife again I will kill you!" Harry was terrified, Elena could see it in his eyes.

Robb released him with a look of disgust on his face, he rushed over to Elena who was still shocked by everything, he picked her up in his arms and started walking to their chambers, she was like a bird with a broken wing that he was caring for, she felt so small and vulnerable in his arms, he laid her on the bed and got a cloth to try and clean her bloody lip and the cuts on her cheeks.

Elena looked appreciably at Robb "you don't have to, I'll do it, I'm fine" Robb continued to clean her cuts. "Let me do it, let me care for you" Elena looked wide eyed at Robb, she felt for the first time in her life that somebody actually cared about her and wanted to look after her. Robb caressed his hand on her cheek, resting his thumb on her lip "I will never let anyone hurt you ever again" he promised.

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