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Elena clenched her tummy, it felt swollen and sore. Robb gently placed his hands around her waist and hugged her from behind. "What's wrong" Elena wrapped her hands around his forearms. "Nothing, I'm fine" "let me get the Maester... Or the girl, Indira?" Elena mused at his concern "if you must" Indira soon came in, "your grace, what's wrong?" "It's Robb worrying really, my tummy is a little sore that's all" Indira glanced at Elena's stomach. "Can I look at you?" She looked at Robb, who soon got the hint "I'll come back later" he kissed Elena on the cheek before he left the tent.

Elena stood up and Indira felt her stomach, how long have you had stomach ache?" Elena thought "a few days, maybe a week?" She was unsure "and you kept being sick?" Elena didn't know what she was getting at. She nodded. "When did you last... Bleed?" Elena soon realised what she thought "em... I'm not sure a few months maybe?" She held her tummy, it felt slightly swollen. "But I can't be?" "Well it's the only thing I can think of... You're pregnant."

Elena couldn't get the words out of her head "you're pregnant" she had never thought about children before. Obviously she knew one day but not this soon. Elena wondered how Robb would react, what if he was angry, he was at war it was no time for having children. She couldn't tell him yet. Robb returned he smiled at Elena "anything wrong?" "I thi-" "no, just stomach ache" Elena interrupted Indira. Robb hugged Elena. Elena looked at Indira, and her eyes pleaded with her. Indira looked down silently. "Well I need to go and see the bannerman, to discuss the next battle plan" Robb left again, leaving Elena and Indira alone.

"Please, you can't tell him yet" Elena better Indira "I won't tell him, it's not my place your grace" "thankyou "you will eventually have to tell him though" "yes but not now" Elena dismissed Indira who started walking back to the Maesters tent. Indira weaves in and out of people, as fast as she could. She finally got out of the crowd, before she knocked into someone "oh I'm sorry" she looked up to see Jon "it's okay, where are you going?" Indira looked into his deep brown eyes. "The... The Maesters tent" "ah, let me walk you" Indira awkwardly walked beside Jon, she kept glancing at him until he looked at her then she would blush. "So what brings you to the Stark camp?" "I just wanted to help the wounded" Jon nodded, it seemed it was equally awkward for him. "Where are you from?" Indira looked down at the floor "I'm from... A village in the Reach, you?" "I'm from Winterfell" Indira realised she already knew that, and laughed a little embarrassed, Jon laughed back "well here we are, I will see you later" Indira gave Jon a warm smile before she disappeared into the tent.

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