Alone with him

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Silence...Not even the sound of flies flying was heard. He was simply sitting at his desk watching me while i was doing my home works. His stare burned holes through me. I didn't mind though. Being the one that everyone liked to bully, i was used to it. What he was doing was only one quarter of what i usually got. I did as if i was alone in this usually huge classroom, but just us two made it looked smaller. Much smaller than usual.

Minutes passed and he was still staring...I decided to break the silence. It was just too much for me to handle. How would you react if your annoying teacher kept on staring at you for what seemed like forever?

(y/n)- Mr. Jeon, I really think that you have other more important stuffs to do than looking at me doing my rather boring home works.

I didn't look up from my book while saying that but i could feel him smirk. What did i say?

Jungkook- 'Boring', huh? I can give you home works much more interesting to do if you want.

WHAT?!? *sigh* Calm down, (y/n)...He was just talking about home works. I looked at him and said,

(y/n)- No thanks. After thinking twice, those are already really interesting.

He seemed a bit disappointed in what i said. Good! Then the silence came back and after one hour of me doing home works and him staring at me, it was finally time for me to leave.

I packed my things up and walked to the door. Just when i opened it, a hand slammed the door shut, startling me in the process... I turned around, slowly. I couldn't believe what he just did. Trapping me against the door! I really wanted to kick him in know...but he was my teacher and i just couldn't kick my older brother's friend. Not that Yoongi would have mind but i'm just too innocent to do something like that...Nah, just joking. I just didn't want to have another hour of detention with this stupid teacher.

His eyes looked directly into mine. He started talking but i hardly heard it as it came out in a whisper.

Jungkook- Not even saying goodbye. I see you're still angry...I'm sorry for what i said. I shouldn't have talked to you like that...Can you please forgive me?

(y/n)- I-I...

What to say? What to do? He was whispering in my ear! I was flustered, That's all! Ugh! I had to admit it, he was hot. Seriously, if someone didn't see how hot that man was, that person was blind and as you can tell, i'm not blind. I just simply said,

(y/n)- You're forgiven...Now please let me go. Yoongi will be worried if i don't arrive home in less than thirty minutes.

Jungkook- Then, since i'm forgiven, let me drive you home.

(y/n)- What?!

Jungkook- It will take less time...Please?

(y/n)- U-Um...

Jungkook- Come on (y/n)...

(y/n)- O-Okay...

He just called me by my first name right? Oh gosh! Well anyways, now i was stuck with him. He packed his things up and we made our way to the school's parking lot. When we arrived near his car, my eyes widened.

(y/n)- Isn't this...

Jungkook- Huh? Oh that's a present.

(y/n)- Yoongi gave it to you right?

Jungkook- How do you know?

(y/n)- This little baby here costs more than one billion dollars you know.

Jungkook- WHAT?!

(y/n)- It was supposed to be my birthday gift but i rejected it and Yoongi said that he forgot one of his friend's birthday so i told him to give the car to the friend.

Jungkook- How can you be so sure that the friend he was talking about is me?

(y/n)- First of all, there's only two cars like this in the whole universe and my dad has the other one and second of all, your birthday is on the first of September, right?

Jungkook- Yeah.

(y/n)- Yup! You're definitely the friend he was talking about...

Jungkook- That's so mean!

(y/n)- Even though it wasn't meant for you, he still gave you a car that cost way more than your entire life if not thrice, so stop complaining.

He stayed silent after that and drove me back home. We arrived at my place, i thought he would just drive away and go to his place instead but no, he entered the house with me.

I wandered around a bit, looking for Oppa but he still wasn't home apparently.

Jungkook- Suga hyung isn't home...

(y/n)- Yeah...Um, just asking but... Why do you all call him 'Suga'?

Jungkook- He asked us to call him that. He said you're the only one allowed to call him Yoongi.

(y/n)- He said that? But...One of you called him Yoongi the other day when he was drunk...

Jungkook- That was Jin hyung. He's older so Suga hyung doesn't mind.

(y/n)- I see. Since oppa isn't here yet, you can wait for him here in the living room. I'll be upstairs if you need anything. Just call and i'll come.

Jungkook- Um. Okay.

And i went back to my room, my teacher sitting patiently in the living room, waiting patiently for my brother who is also one of his best friends.


My Hot Teacher {{ Jungkook x Reader }} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now