I'm Sorry.

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(y/n)'s PoV

I was laying down, thinking about my fight with Jungkook. Again and again and again. Everything was killing me from inside and I felt bad. Bad for lying to him. Bad for being the cause of our fight again.

As always my stubbornness caused so much trouble and I lost him once more. If he was to come back, I would definitely apologize. My gaze turned to the door but nothing happened. Who was I kidding? I wasn't in some kind of romance movie. I told him to leave and that's what he did and obviously, he wasn't planning on coming back.

He was probably already with Seolhyun while I was here, on my own, in this white and way too cold hospital bedroom. I started drifting to sleep when I heard the doorknob turning. I did as if I was asleep and heard two person enter.

They were mumbling incoherent stuffs, well to me because they were obviously understanding what they were saying to each other. One of them approached my bed and I stiffened. Don't move. Stay calm, (y/n). They'll go away soon.

Problem is, they didn't. The person bent down next to my bed and took my hand in his. It was obviously a guy. His hand was way bigger than mine. I faked a yawn and turned to face the person, eyes still closed. He let go of my hand and placed it on my cheek, caressing it lightly.

???- You sure like her a lot Jungkook.

Jungkook- Of course. She's my angel.

???- Then who am I to you?

Jungkook- You're my best friend, Seolhyun.

That's the last thing I heard before drifting to sleep for real this time.


I woke up to the familiar white ceiling of my hospital room. Awoken by something wet and warm sliding down my hand to end its way on the white sheets covering me, I looked at the not-so-peaceful face of Jungkook, he was crying.

His grip on my hand only tightened when I tried to move away and I heard him mumble my name faintly. Using my free hand, I played with his soft hair and caressed it. Jungkook's face turned into a more peaceful one and I smiled to myself. Even asleep, this man had such a power on me. When he wrinkled his nose cutely, I couldn't stop myself from giggling. The sound woke him up and when he lifted his head lightly, our eyes met.

He straightened up and turned his gaze to the side of the bed. Letting go of my hand, he stood up.

Jungkook- I'll go get you some water.

Before he could make another step forward, I took a good hold of his wrist, not letting him go.

(y/n)- I'm not thirsty. Stay with me, please.

He turned to me again slowly and smiled faintly. It wasn't his usual smile. Not the smile of the Jeon Jungkook I knew. Something was wrong and I could tell with only a look at him. His eyes didn't have that usual spark in them and he looked tired- almost exhausted- as if something horrible was to happen soon.

He sat back down next to me and took my hand in his again. He caressed it with his thumb, he looked thoughtful. He looked me in the eyes once more and then sighed.

Jungkook- I...

(y/n)- Jungkook?

Jungkook- The marriage has been advanced.

(y/n)- Huh?

Jungkook- It was planned to be in two months. Now... It's in two weeks...

I didn't reply. I just couldn't. I looked away, hoping to hide the sadness buried deep in my eyes from Jungkook, once again. When I stayed silent, Jungkook sighed, he took my chin and turned my face towards him.

(y/n)- Why does this feel familiar?

Jungkook- Don't worry. I'm sure this doesn't.

And then, his lips were on mine. It was a slow and passionate kiss. It felt like it was telling me not to worry and just enjoy the moment. We pulled away after a few seconds and I blushed when our eyes met. Jungkook smiled, his bunny grin this time, and I couldn't help but to touch his cheek gently. He placed his hand over mine and his smile disappeared.

Jungkook- I'm sorry for earlier. I should've believed you...

(y/n)- *sigh* No... You were right. When you told me that you spent the day with Seolhyun... I couldn't help but to feel jealous. I... I know it was stupid of me but-

And then, I felt his soft lips on mine once again. He smirked. I blushed even harder. His every actions could make me go crazy and now that I thought of it, it made me laugh to think that I actually hated him when we first met. True, he had brought so much trouble with his arrival in my life, but there were also good times. He was always ready to help me in good and bad situations. If people called that a teacher's job, I called that someone's love towards the ones dear to him.

Jungkook pulled away and I turned my head to the side, trying my best to hide my pinkish cheeks.

Jungkook- Don't. You're cute when you blush.

(y/n)- A-Aish... Don't say that. I-It's embarrassing.

Jungkook- But it's the truth.

The door suddenly opened, revealing none other than Seolhyun. She smiled at me and came closer to my bed. Extending her hand for my to shake, she said,

Seolhyun- Glad to finally meet you, (y/n). I'm Seolhyun, Jungkook's best friend.

            ~ TO BE CONTINUED ~

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