A Sister's Advice

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(y/n)'s PoV

I arrived home after a long walk. Thinking about that kiss again and again,like a broken disk on replay. Entering the house, Yoongi had called out to me but i hadn't answer, being on another planet. I wasn't in my right mind and physically speaking, my body was as troubled as someone who had just ran a marathon. I was on my bed within seconds, not knowing how i managed to walk up the stairs or when the hell i entered my room. 

Everything around me was a blur and i just couldn't stand it anymore. I called Esmesis and hoped that she would answer. She picked up on the fourth ring and i heard her not-so-cheerful voice on the other end.

Esmesis- Hey. Why are you suddenly calling? Is something wrong?

(y/n)- Esmesis...I-I'm not feeling well...Could you come?

Esmesis- What's wrong? Do you want me to call the girls?

(y/n)- No...Just you...Please.

Esmesis- Okay. I'll be there in five minutes.

(y/n)- Thank you.

And then i hang up. After exactly five minutes, i heard the doorbell and I guess Yoongi opened the door for her. Or maybe not, since i gave a spare key to the six of them. I heard Yoongi's cheerful voice- really something weird- and Esmesis' one replying joyfully. 

Then, i heard footsteps coming towards my room and suddenly the door creaked open. I saw Esmesis in her black ripped jeans, black sweater and sneakers. She walked towards my bed and sat on its edge. She eyed me carefully. She knew something was wrong, that's for sure. The reasons why were that

1. We had been best friend for ages now.

2. Being, herself, in terrible situations, nobody could understand as well as her.

I sat back up, still looking at my hands that were on my lap. She hugged me, those hugs of her that could comfort anyone and make them understand that even if life was hard, they could still go on. 

When she let go, i looked at her and i could see the worry in her eyes. Certainly, she saw the confusion in mine. I was lost. And not just a little. Why was all of that bothering me? Why did Jungkook have so much power over my emotions? And...Why had he kissed me while knowing that it would hurt me even more?

Esmesis smiled sadly and her next words broke my heart. I knew she loved Yoongi but...I didn't know exactly what had happened before him and what she was actually trying to forget. Something so terrible that it had left such a scar on her heart. Those words proved me that i failed in my role as her frie- BEST friend and...sister. We weren't blood related but we were so closed and together all of the time that people had started thinking that we were twins. I should have been there when she needed me, like she was there for me when i needed her. 

Esmesis- I know that look...You're in love...but you can't be with him, right? Don't lie, I've experienced it myself. I know what it means to be in your situation. Well...i somehow don't regret everything that happened to me. If Jackson hadn't left without saying a word and leaving for Australia...I wouldn't have met you.

You see, Jackson was her crush till we turned 16. He knew she had feelings for her and he did too but he never tried to take their relationship to the next level. Then, without a word he left and she was heart broken. Soon after, depending on what Esmesis had told me, she had met Emilia who had then brought her to the park to cheer her up. And that was exactly where i had met them, her and the other five. As she was my new friend, i had introduced her to Yoongi and she started developing feelings for him.

Esmesis- Tell me what's wrong.

(y/n)- I...I think...I love Jungkook.

Esmesis- You think? That's like the most obvious thing here. Tell me something i don't know.

I turned to her and gave her an offended look. She just shrugged and signaled me to go on.

(y/n)- He has a fiancée. 

Esmesis- Okay I didn't know th-

(y/n)- And he kissed me today.

Esmesis- Woah. Woah. Woah. Calm down. What?

(y/n)- I said, he kissed me. Today. When you were all already long gone. In the classroom.

Esmesis- That's...something.

(y/n)- The most horrible thing is that today Sam asked me to be his girlfriend and i said 'yes' so i'm technically cheating.

Esmesis- Well...I don't think i can do much to help you but...all i can say is that only time will tell what will happen. I think you should discuss this with Sam and tell him the truth. If he trusts you, he'll understand.

(y/n)- *sigh* You're right.

Esmesis- Like always.

(y/n)- Stop.

Esmesis- *Chuckles* sorry.

(y/n)- Anyway...going back to you...I heard Yoongi and you giggling before you came upstairs. Is there something i should know? Am i invited to the wedding?

Esmesis- Ah! Stop!!

I laughed and hugged her tight. We layed back down on the bed while laughing and joking around.

                                                                   ~ TO BE CONTINUED ~

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