•𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞: 𝐈 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐇𝐢𝐦•

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It didn't take long for Yoongi to come knocking on my door like a madman and even in my sleep, I could hear him yell after me. It was a little after midnight when I finally got fed up with all the noise he was making, stood up and opened the door. He knew better than anyone that I was not about to just forgive and forget and it would take time for me to forgive him. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to the living room where all his friends were patiently waiting for us.

"Yoongi, I got school later today, I barely slept, and I'll be late if you don't let me rest right now! With the new teacher I need to deal with, being late is the last thing I want!"

As soon as he sat me down, one of his friends spoke up and I instantly froze. Jeon Jungkook? Seriously? Out of all people, Yoongi had to be friends with him?

"Don't worry about being late. I'm sure if you give a valid explanation, your teacher will forgive you."

I turned towards him, and my voice came out a little harsher than I had expected it to.

"You know the situation more than do. I'm quite clueless here if you hadn't noticed. Why would you need an explanation?"

"You're right-" he chuckled, "-But I just think it would have been amusing to see you try and explain why you fell asleep in class."

All I could do was roll my eyes and mumble a 'sadist' before facing Yoongi once again.

"What do you want?"

He sighed.

"To apologize. I shouldn't have acted that way earlier and I'm sorry. Really."

He seemed genuine but it wasn't enough. This hadn't been the first time and he needed to understand that as his little sister, I had a right to get worried. I was quite a few years younger than him, that much is true, but was it so wrong of me to care that he'd treat me that way?

I didn't bother answering, stood up and simply walked back to my room. I could hear him sigh loudly but I couldn't care less and just went back to sleep. When I woke up a few hours later, as usual, I washed up and headed straight to the kitchen for a quick breakfast. One of Yoongi's friends was already making breakfast and, despite my best attempt at staying quiet so he wouldn't notice me, Yoongi and his five other friends bursting through the kitchen door gave me away instantly. As soon as Yoongi noticed me, he tried hugging me but, unlike what he thought would happen, I pushed him away before he could. I had allowed him to treat me that way far too often and he grew used to the idea that I'd forgive him every time. He had to understand that his actions hurt me and that a 'sorry' was not enough to solve the issue. I adored my brother, but I couldn't just tolerate everything anymore.

"I'll be late if I don't leave now. I'll see you after school."

Yoongi visibly looked hurt, and I felt bad about seeing him that way, but it had to be done. Before I could make it out of the kitchen, however, someone blocked my way. His brown hair was messy, slightly wet and covered his eyes a little. He was looking down at me through the strands of hair and smiled, devilishly.

"I could always drive you to school since, you know, I work there."

Had he lost his mind already? Was he sick or was he being nice because my older brother was there? I barely spared him a glance before passing him by and going into the living room.

"The driver can drop me off today, Yoongi. Have a nice day."

And with that, I was out of the door. Indeed, I had asked our personal driver, Eric, to drop me off at school, however, I had forgotten a tiny little detail. No one apart from my friends knew I came from a rich family and the whole purpose of not saying anything about the bullying was so that they wouldn't know. Pulling up to school in a fancy car and a nice, helpful driver wasn't a part of the plan. The events of the previous night had sent my brain into overdrive, and I wasn't functioning properly.

Once we got to school, all I wanted to do was quickly run away so people wouldn't notice me, but Eric didn't know any better and opened the door for me.

"Shall I pick you up after school, miss?"

I could feel the stares of nearby students piercing holes into my back and I nervously smiled at Eric and dismissed him with a silent 'no, thank you.' All the attention was making me uncomfortable, and at that moment, all I wished for was to disappear.

I quickly made my way to class, trying desperately to get out of everybody's sight, and when I finally did, I regretted it immediately. There, in my way, stood Saeki and her group of vipers. They were amongst the most popular groups in the school and took a particular liking to bullying me. Making my life hell, in fact, was one of their favourite hobbies and Saeki had been the one to throw that bucket of water at me the day before.  

"Well, well, well. Look who we've got here. I would never have imagined that you were rich. I mean, you dress and look like a pig-" her friends giggled, and she pushed me forcefully, "-But that doesn't matter. A pig stays a pig, no matter how much it tries and whether you have money or not makes absolutely no difference to me."

It hurt. I thought I had become immune to the insults over the years but everything she said brought me down a bit more. Not too long after, Mr Homeroom Teacher finally showed up, took the attendance and started his class. I was working out some exercises he had given us when he suddenly called out for me.

I walked up to his desk, and he simply muttered, "Stay after class, I need to talk to you," before dismissing me by waving his hand. I had no reason to argue, even if he was rude to me, he was still my teacher and I didn't want to get into trouble again.

As he had asked me, I stayed after the bell rang and waited patiently for him to finish whatever he was doing to finally say what he needed to say.

It took a while and after I coughed awkwardly, he looked up at me, surprised, as if he had forgotten all about me, and laughed nervously.

"Sorry, I totally forgot about you. It's just to let you know that Yoongi asked me to drop you home after school."

Who asked what now? Without hesitation, I declined the offer, and he gave me a teasing smile.

"You don't want me to drop you off?" I shook my head and let him know I had plans with my friends after school.

"I thought you didn't have friends?"

The words left his mouth so effortlessly, you wouldn't believe he had just insulted me. It took me a minute to process his words and when I did, disbelief was all I could feel at that moment. He was so rude, the only thing I could do was turn around and leave, silently. Was that what everyone thought of me?

I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks and I had unconsciously ended up in the restroom. I pulled out my phone, quickly called Eva and she arrived soon after. She was panting heavily, and I could tell she had run as fast as she could to get to me. I explained what had happened in detail and she was getting visibly angrier by the minute. After a while, she put her hand on my shoulder and sighed.

"(y/n), you need to stop letting people walk all over you like that. We need to do something about it. Come on, let's get you out of here." 

                                   ~ TO BE CONTINUED ~

My Hot Teacher {{ Jungkook x Reader }} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now