Mysterious Visitor

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(y/n)'s PoV

I woke up in what seemed like Jungkook's bed. Strange. Last thing I remembered was falling asleep in front of his door. After that, it's complete darkness. I tried moving but felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I looked at my body and found bandages. Bandages and bandages. There was a red patch on the part where the pain was coming from. Blood.

With more effort than I thought, I successfully got out of bed. With no idea of what actually happened, Jungkook was the only one who possibly knew. Not that I expected much.

I went down the same red-colored stairs as before. There, I found Jungkook, Sitting, looking tense. I approached him but he still didn't notice me. I got even closer and that's when he saw me. He stood up almost immediately and hugged me tightly. I suddenly felt pain but not because of my wound, it was because I was hugging my teacher, for whom I had developed feelings, while I perfectly knew that I had a nice, loving and caring boyfriend.

When Jungkook hugged me a little tighter, I hissed in pain. Tight is okay but super tight is too much. He looked at me with worried eyes and I suddenly felt soft. I smiled and took him in my arms once again. This time, I didn't feel pain and even less worry. All I could think about was that i didn't want him to let go because... I wasn't ready to let go.

After some time, Jungkook backed away and pressed both of his hands on my cheeks. We made eye contact and it went on for a little while.

Then, he suddenly got closer and closer. My mind was completely blank but my heart was telling me that what I was about to do wasn't good and it would hurt more people.

Even if it was wrong, I couldn't change my feelings. I got on my tiptoes and closed the gap between us and kissed him. The kiss was passionate and I could feel all the love Jungkook had for me. Everything was perfect except for one little thing... Sam entered Jungkook's living room while we were kissing and saw everything.

Sam- What the hell is happening here?!

(y/n) - S-Sam.. W-What are you doing here?

Sam- I came to check on you since Yoongi told me everything.

(y/n)- Yoongi...

Sam- (y/n)... Explain yourself... Please...

(y/n)- W-Well you see...

Sam- Yes?

(y/n)- I... I'm sorry... I should've told you the truth...

Sam- What truth?  That you're cheating on me? I think I can pretty much tell by now.

(y/n)- Sam-

Sam- No need. I'm leaving.

(y/n)- No wait!

And he left. Jungkook was frozen on the spot and I had just broken my boyfriend's heart into tiny pieces. Way to go (y/n)...


~ The Next Day ~

I tried talking to Sam several times but at each attempt, he found a way to avoid me. I regretted my actions and Jungkook and I hadn't talk since the previous day. I had left his house without a word and he didn't try to stop me. I had just hurt the only person who actually cared for me after Christ's death, apart from the girls that is.

I went to class and Jungkook avoided looking at me. We kissed each other and then he just acted as if nothing ever happened.

During lunch time, Aurianna saw that I wasn't well and brought me on the roof to talk privately.

Aurianna- Tell me what's wrong.

(y/n)- Nothing's wrong... I... Swear.

Aurianna- I know you better than I know myself. Tell me what's bothering you. Please~

(y/n)- I... Jungkook and I kissed yesterday and... Sam saw and..  He's avoiding me now. Most funny thing is that Jungkook too is doing as if we are perfect strangers.

Aurianna- I see... Well just give them some time. I'm sure it'll get better soon.

(y/n)- I guess you're right. Thanks.

Aurianna- You're welcome.

Then, the bell rang and we went back to our respective classes. When school was finally over, the girls came at home for a sleepover. We talked and laughed and watched horror movies. Angel and Eva were the first to fall asleep and the rest just ate a major part of the food I had in my kitchen.

I was in no mood to do those but I knew that the girls only wanted to cheer me up. I endured the fake smiles and laughs for the night and fell asleep due to stress and tiredness.

The year had started normally but I was suddenly submerged by all of those weird events. Since Jungkook arrived, my whole life was a mess. Sam's return, the whole drama with my parents and now my boyfriend who caught me cheating. Nothing normal.

~ One Month Later ~

I was walking in the school hallways. Suddenly, I heard someone calling me. I turned around and saw Jungkook. He approached me and said,

Jungkook- Hey babe~ Wanna go on a date with me later?

I smiled and replied,

(y/n)- Yeah sure~

And then,  Jungkook kissed me and this is how our love story started.

            ~ TO BE CONTINUED ~

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