Not Interested

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Tyler- You're fired.

Crystal- What?! No!!

Tyler- I'm sorry but you can't just go around insulting your boss like that. I can't take the risk to have you do that again.

Crystal- I didn't know who she was!
Tyler- Still. You can't insult a person like that. Especially if you don't know that person.

Crystal- Look. I'm really sorry. You know my situation. I really can't lose my job.

(y/n)- What situation?

Crystal- I-

Tyler- Her mother is really sick and needs to be cured soon. Otherwise, she dies.

(y/n)- Wh-

Crystal- I don't need your pity. I just don't want to lose my job. Tyler... Please!

Tyler- I'm really sorry, Crystal.

I couldn't just let that poor girl like that. I wasn't that cruel. I sighed and Jungkook sent me a questioning look.
(y/n)- Look, Crystal. I'm not mad and I'm willing to help. If Tyler really is firing you... Then I want you to work for me. As my personal assistant. I have too much to handle and it would be benefit to the both of us. What do you say?

Crystal- I-I don't know.

Jungkook- Look hon, (y/n) is kind enough to give you such an opportunity so put your pride aside and accept the deal.

(y/n)- I'll pay you in advance. So that you can pay for your mother's treatment.

Crystal- Even if you did it wouldn't be-

(y/n)- Enough? Your salary will be of half a million per month.

Crystal- W-What?

(y/n)- Now you see how much I'm desperate for an assistant?

Crystal- Yeah...

(y/n)- So what do you say?

Crystal- Alright... Thanks.

(y/n)- No problem!

Jungkook- You're way too kind. You know that?

(y/n)- And you're a jerk, you know that?

Tyler- Alright. Alright. Darling a five minutes break just turned into a half hour conversation. Let's get back to work.

Jungkook- Wait. First, I have something to take care of.

Tyler- Okay but do it quick. I don't have all day.

Jungkook- I want you to stop doing as if (y/n) is your girlfriend. She's mine and we are getting married so back off.

Tyler- Wait. You think I like (y/n)?

Jungkook- Obviously you do.

Tyler- Although I must admit that she's gorgeous and a real s*x bomb.

(y/n)- *cough* Go straight to the point please.

Tyler- Anyway, as I was saying, I'm not interested.

Jungkook- Prove it.

Tyler- I'm gay.

Jungkook- I kne- Wait What?!

Tyler- I'm gay. And (y/n) is all yours. She's just my best friend. Besides, I already have a BOYFRIEND.

(y/n)- And you didn't tell me?!

Tyler- Hon, we just got together. Like yesterday.

(y/n)- What's his name? How old is he? His height? Job?

Tyler- *chuckles* I'll tell you later. For now, let's get the job done.

(y/n)- B-But... *pouts* I can't wait that long! I want to know. Please~

Tyler- No. Later.

(y/n)- Meanie.

I followed Tyler but then felt the urge to turn back. I ran to Jungkook and kissed him.

(y/n)- Stop being so jealous. I'm yours and you know it. It would be a pain if I had to tell you that everytime. Just be as confident and arrogant as usual.

Jungkook- It's not the same. I'm never confident enough when it comes to you. I'm afraid you'll leave me for someone better...

(y/n)- Kookie... I'd  never do that. I love you and you're the only one for me. So please, please stop thinking about those kind of things. Promise me.

Jungkook- I promise.

I kissed him again and he smiled. I let go and ran back to a grumbling Tyler.

The photoshoot went on smoothly and soon enough, we were done. I got changed and went for a walk with Jungkook. The girls had gone back home since they were bored so we were all by ourselves.

We arrived at the beach and Jungkook got on one knee and started removing my shoes, never breaking eye-contact. I chuckled at his cuteness and after removing his own shoes, he stood up again. I smirked and threw sand at him. He was covered with it and I couldn't stop laughing. As revenge, he started running after me. I ran as fast as I could, laughing like crazy. He was faster so when he got a hold of my waist with both his arms and lifted me up, I squealed. He tickled me and my belly was hurting from all the laughter.

He put me back down again and I faced the sea. I shivered as it was getting really cold. I felt a pair of arm go around my waist and suddenly felt the warmth of Jungkook. A warmth I'd gotten so used to. He placed his head in the crook of my neck and inhaled. I chuckled at the ticklish sensation and I felt his shoulder move against my back as he chuckled too.

He turned me around and I looked into his mesmerizing eyes. I got on my tiptoes and was at eye-level with him. He came closer, our foreheads touching.

Jungkook- I love you. I love you so much.

(y/n)- I love you too Jungkook.

And he kissed me. We enjoyed this little but yet special moment as much as we could, still not knowing what horrible event was awaiting us in the near future.

             ~ TO BE CONTINUED ~

My Hot Teacher {{ Jungkook x Reader }} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now