Come back to me

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(y/n)'s PoV

I pushed Jungkook away as soon as my senses came back. One thing was confirmed though, that guy was still full of himself. I had never seen someone as confident as him. Well, in some ways, it coud be good for him.

He stared at me wide-eyed. What was he expecting? For me to kiss him back and do as if nothing had ever happened? Sorry for him but that wasn't something I was used to do. I backed away, enough for him to sigh and scratch the back of his neck.

Jungkook- I'm sorry okay...

(y/n)- Sorry for what? Lying to me? Don't worry, I'm not mad. I'm just really really disappointed. You seemed so mad when it was me but did so as if it was completely natural. And  you said you were getting married sooner but you weren't. Do you know how much I was hurt? Can you imagine what I felt? I was so sad when you said you were still getting married but my heart crushed when Seolhyun said that. I was ready to die-

Jungkook- Stop..!

(y/n)- *sob* Why w-would I stop?

Jungkook looked up when he heard me sobbing. He tried hugging me but I backed away once more. I saw a tear rolling down his right cheek. He was crying.

Jungkook- I didn't want to lie to you! I was trying to protect you..!

(y/n)- Protect me? Why is this always your excuse for hurting me?

Jungkook- (y/n) I'm sick and I'm going to die!!


I woke up in my room at Yoongi's house with a headache. What the heck actually happened? I was talking with Jungkook and then...blackout..?

The door opened and I saw Yoongi entering.

Yoongi- Oh...You're up. I...brought you some soup.

(y/n)- Thanks but...Why? And what am I doing in my ex-bed?

Yoongi- Ah I see you don't remember...

(y/n)- Remember what?

Yoongi- You...fainted. After...Jungkook told you...

(y/n)- Jungkook told me something? I don't remember anything actually...

Yoongi- R-Really? Well...That's a shame...

(y/n)- Well, you can tell me..?

Yoongi- Um...You know...about...him being sick and all.

(y/n)- Jungkook? Sick? What do you mean by 'and all'?

Yoongi- (y/n)...Jungkook told you that he was sick and that he would probably die of it before you fainted.

I gasped. Everything came rushing back to my mind as soon as the words left Yoongi's mouth. J-Jungkook was sick. He was dying. He lied to protect me. But from what? Being hurt from losing him? Or was it to protect him? Was he afraid to tell me the truth? Did he think I would've left him if I knew? That was probably it.

I got up, walked past Yoongi and went downstairs. I saw Esmesis in the kitchen, cooking. I chuckled sadly as even in the worst situation, I would always see her as the perfect soon-to-be-wife and sister-in-law. I walked into the living room and saw Jungkook sitting on the couch. His hair was messy, black ripped jeans, plain white shirt, timberlands and his usual piercings. 

Everything seemed to be normal but knowing him like I did, I could see that something was off from miles away. I couldn't see it before because:

1. I was avoiding him,

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