Challenge--Part 1

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I woke up, got ready for school--today was Friday--and darted out. I walked in the school and hugged Nathan with a smile. More guilt weighed me down. Nathan was the best thing that ever happened to me and I was keeping a secret from him--a huge one.

"Hey, beautiful. Wanna ditch today? We're not doing anything in any classes," he saod.

I considered it. But I shook my head. "I've never ditched before and I don't wanna start now."

"Okay," he said kissing me lightly. "Wanna go eat first, today?"

I shrugged. "Sure."

We went in the cafeteria and here, we didn't eat human food. It was this magical stuff. For girls, we got to choose the color we wanted and they added magic powder on top of it. I always chose satin blue. It tasted the best to me. For boys, their "goo" as humans would call it, was hardened and the color was vibrant. Nathan's color was grass-green.

We sat with Nathan's worlock friends--given I had none here--and ate. I remembered Nathan's friends' names, but I didn't bother talking to them. All I could think about was the challenge after school. And who knew how long it'd last?

"Kate, wanna go out tonight?" Nathan asked.

"I can't. I have my own training," I said.

"Oh, well, text me or something when you're free," he said.

I nodded and put my headphones in. We weren't that different from humans. We were just...special. I wondered what humans did. What they were like. I'd never met one before. But I've seen one. Humans look exactly like us. It's fascinating--to me, at least. Everyone found it replusive that I was interested by humans. They just didn't understand.

No one did.

When I told Nathan goodbye, I was about to start walking home when he grabbed my arm. I looked at him confused. He smiled and kissed me.

"See you Monday," he said.

I smiled and shrugged one shoulder. He went to his car--I chose not to drive--and I walked to the mansion that held all the sorcerers and sorceresses. I took my cloak off the rack and put it on. Master looked at me and nodded. I nodded back and went up to Darnellel.

"I am your parnter," I said.

"It's nice to finally get to know you," he said.

We all knew each other's names, but none of us really knew each other. Master called everyone to attention and everyone grew silent. We faced him and he smiled at us.

"Today, your challenge begins. You and your partner are to stay by each other at all times. The first part of this challenge is surviving in the woods for a week. I have contacted your school and let them know you won't be coming in. So, that's settled. The other parts will be revealed when I think you've successfully completed the first part. Now, go. In the woods, there are forts. No one can see another fort from their own--that's how spread apart they are. How we will do this, I will call a pair and they will go find their fort. Once their fort is found, one will make a unique noise, and so forth. Understood?" he explained.

We all nodded. He did, too and looked at his clipboard. "Melanie and Hunter."

The pair walked out into the woods. Within a few short minutes, a bird call was sounded and then the next pair was called. When Master called me and Darnellel, we walked out and scanned the woods. A fort within a few yards had K&D carved.

"Darnellel, that's us," I pointed to our fort.

We got in and Darnellel made some weird duck call or something. We sat in the fort. There wasn't any rooms, there was a mini-fridge, two blankets, two pillows, and two medallions. One said K and the other D. I handed the one that said D on it to Darnellel and put mine on.

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