They Came Back For Me--Not You

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Weeks passed. Nathan tried to call, but I never answered. I thought this challenge was only supposed to last a week. But it'd been three weeks since this all started. I was actually comfortable living in this cleaering with Darnellel. It felt normal. Ever since that morning when I woke up before he did... I don't know.

Day by day, we became more of a couple. Even though there was Nathan--who couldnn't make up his mind about us--I still couldn't lie to myself and say that I had no feelings for Darnellel. Darnellel wasn't perfect--no one is--but he was closes. He knew when something was wrong, he wasn't melodramatic saying that we should run away together.

He wasn't perfect, but he was as close as they come.

I opened my medallion to see where he was. He said he went to go find water, because we ran out, and magic water tasted awful. But what I saw when Darnellel opened his medallion, wasn't water. He had his sligihtly open--like mine was that day I saw my brother, but this was intentional--and it showed those same people who took me that night.

"Where is she, boy?" that same man asked.

"I don't know," Darnellel lied.

"You're her partner for this 'challenge' thing. Where is she?" he asked.

"What makes you think I'll tell you?" Darnellel asked.

I really wish I could see his face-expression.

"Darnellel, tell them," I whispered.

"Is she hiding behind a tree somewhere?" the man asked.

"Yes," I said loud enough for them to hear. "I'm terrified of you. Don't come into the woods for me."

And with that, they ran. I could hear the rustle of the trees, and the crunching of the leaves. Darnellel looked into the medallion and looked confused.

"Why'd you do that?" he asked.

"They came back for me--not you," I said.

"This is insane, Kate. I won't let them take you," he said shutting his medallion.

I saw the group running just outside the barrier. I stepped on the borderline of the barrier.

"You can't see me--but I can see you," I said.

They stopped and the man smiled. "Fay," he said. "Do your thing,"

A girl with black hair and green eyes stepped foward and shot a magic ball at me. I fell to the floor, coughing, and losing consciousness. The magic began to inflame my stomach and dry out my throat. I tried to yell for Darnellel, but nothing came out. I finally just gave in and my breaths became ragged.

"Fay, you weren't supposed to harm her," he snapped.

"I didn't know where she was standing," she said.

"Let's just take her and go," he said exasperated.

"You touch her, I kill you," I heard Darnellel say.

"Aw, look who's being protective," the man laughed. "You want to join us?"

"No," I choked out.

"Hush," Fay hissed.

"I can come with you?" Darnellel asked.

"Darnellel, don't," I whispered. Magic really took a lot out of you.

"Here," the man said. "We'll even leave you two alone for a couple of minutes to work it out."

I heard Darnellel move closer to me and he sat next to me. I opened my eyes and wanted to shut them again.

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