Explaining Hurts

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I couldn't sleep. All week, I had to hide my thoughts from Issac. I didn't want anyone to know. No one could know. No one. I kept reliving it every night, and every day. I was just so confused. What girl does that thing? And to another girl? Really? What goes through their head?

"Kate," Erica yelled in my face.

I opened my eyes and sat up. She'd just woke me up from my flashback. I looked at her and exhaled.

"You kept making weird noises and started screaming," she whispered.

"Sorry," I looked down.

"You've been like this all week. What happened to you?" she asked.

I shook my head. "What time is it?"

"Two in the morning, I think," she shrugged.

"Oh," I murmured hugging my knees.

"You know I'm here for you," Erica said.

I nodded. "Just a bad week."

"Can I help? I mean...you're depressed. And you look better than that one day, but... You wanna talk about it?" she asked.

"No," I said.

"Okay, well, goodnight," she nodded and laid down.

I laid down, too, but closing my eyes was the hard part. I didn't want to relive it again. Though this was just one of those things that just couldn't be erased. No matter how much I wanted to forget. I wanted to hit my head extrememly hard and get amnesia. Anything was better than being miserable.

I finally went back to sleep. I wanted to stay in the bed--like I had been all week. But something kept telling me to get out. I showered, got dressed, and walked out of the room, hugging my cloak. I stopped in the middle of the hallway when I heard Darnellel.

"We seriously have to find out what's wrong with her," he said.

"She's been having nightmares all week," Erica said.

"She won't tell you what they're about?" Issac asked.

"Nope," Erica sighed.

"Hey, you read minds, right?" Darnellel asked.

"Yeah, but she's been barricading--"

"Does that mean you can see dreams, too?" he asked.

I didn't like where this was going.

"I've never tried it, but that sounds like a good idea," Issac said.

I turned the corner and came into view. They looked at me and faked their smiles. Their lying smiles. I glared at them and walked off. I hid my thoughts from Issac as a flash of the girl's sick, evil smile entered my mind. I went to Fay's room and knocked on the door. She opened it and looked over me.

"Look who finally came out of hibernation," she smirked.

"Hi, Fay," I rolled my eyes.

"Need something?" she asked leaning against the door.

"Do you...? I-- I just..."

"Spit it out, Kate," Fay rushed.

"Do you have anything that'll make me-- that'll erase memory?" I asked.

She looked confused as she looked me over. "Don't you think if I did, I would've used it by now?"

"You're right. I'm sorry," I let my eyes drop as I walked away.

"Wait," she called and I stopped. "Why?"

"There's just something I want to forget," I shrugged.

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