Old Friend

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I jumped from the fort and started running towards the scream. Why was she here? I knew she'd always been into adventure, but really? Here? Now? As I ran, more screams came from her.

"Kate, what are you doing?!" Darnellel called.

"Saving an old friend!" I called back.

Then I saw her. She was fighting wolves away from her with all she had. I jumped in front of her and used my powers to send the pack flying across the woods. I turned around to face her.

"Thanks," she whispered, looking terrified.

"Anabelle, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I-- I was running," she looked down.

"From who? Don't tell me it was Ryder," I rolled my eyes.

She didn't say anything. Silence was my answer.

"Where is he?" I growled.

"Kate, don't," Anabelle pleaded.

"I'm tired of him doing this!" I yelled.

"What is going on here?" Darnellel finally caught up to me.

Anabelle looked up at him and back at me. "I thought you were dating Nathan."

"I am," I said. "Darnellel and I are just friends."

"Then why--?"

"Quit changing the subject," I said. "Where is Ryder?"

She looked down. "Looking for me."

I breathed. Anabelle didn't even know about me being a sorceress. I looked at Darnellel and he nodded. I whipped out my phone and texted him--just to clarify.

Don't tell her what's going on. Just get her to the fort until I figure something out.

I waited for him to recieve it. And when he did, he nodded and he guided her to the fort. I, on the other hand, stood there and waited for Ryder to make his appearence. I hate it when he gets drunk. He doesn't abuse anyone in any way, but when he's drunk, his temper goes through the roof and it scares Anabelle. But once he's sobered up, he's not that bad.

I heard rustling and panting coming from a few yards away. I met it and there the bastard stood, out of breath with a Miller Lite can in his hand.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Where's Anabelle?" he asked.

"Are you sober?" I asked.

"Where's Anabelle?" he repeated.

"Ryder, are you sober?" I took a step towards him.

"Kinda. I have a hangover," he said.

"It's not a hangover, unless you sleep it off. And you haven't slept. So, you're not sober, therefore, you won't find out where Anabelle is until you are," I said walking off.

"I'll find her," he growled.

"And then I'll have to use my magic on you," I laughed.

"What magic? You're nothing," he spat.

I stopped in my tracks. I chuckled and faced him. "Excuse me?"

"You're a human," he sneered.

"I am not. I have powers," I folded my arms.

"Like what? What are you?" he challenged.

"And I'd tell you... Why?" I laughed.

"Because then I'll know what I'm getting myself into. Anabelle's a witch, I'm a worlock.... You're human," he chuckled.

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