Right or Wrong?

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Nathan and I agreed to meet at a nearby coffee shop. Sneaking out may seem easy, but it was very difficult to me. I had to worm my way through without Issac reading my thoughts, or anyone seeing me. I was able to make it to the coffee shop successfully. I was sitting at a table, waiting for Nathan's arrival.

Nathan walked through the door and he sat across from me in the booth. "Hey," he said.

"Hey. Look, Nathan, I'm sure you've figured this out, but if you haven't, I'm telling you that I'm a sorceress. And I'm not sure why I hid it from you. It's something that I don't really tell people. And Darnellel is a sorcerer. I just met Issac a couple weeks ago, and just realized he was my brother. That was what I was so busy with when you kept sending me long texts and leaving long voicemails. And I have no idea if I'm doing the right thing here--by talking to you right now," I said.

That felt good.

"What would be wrong about talking to me?" he asked.

I scoffed. "Are you kidding?! If anyone knew I was here right now, I'd be a dead girl! You cheated on me--and Erica--and had the nerve to come back for her, in front of me. Then you 'change your mind' and come back for me!"

"Well, if it's so wrong, then why did you call?" he snapped.

"Because I deserve to know why!" I exploded. I calmed myself and looked him in the eye, "I deserve to know why you cheated on me. I also deserve to know why your 'two-month-mark' is known everywhere."

"Excuse me, miss? Sir?" a waiter came up to us. "You're disrupting other's meals. Either take this outside, or settle it down."

"Okay, look here, you little bastard--" Nathan stood.

"Nathan, no!" I snapped. "Sit!"

The waiter looked at me and laughed. "Fiesty, much?"

I looked over him. "Shut up."

"I like fiesty," he winked.

"Bleh," I said. "I think I threw up a little."

"Wanna come home with me?" he smirked.


It wasn't me who answered--and it wasn't Nathan either. Everyone turned their heads and Master was standing there, redfaced.

"Master?" I whispered.

"Master?" Nathan looked at me confused.

"You should be fired--hitting on a customer like that," Master snapped at the waiter.

"What is she to you?" he snapped. His nametag said Carl.

"My--" Master looked at me and back at him. "My pupil. And if you don't leave her alone--"

"You'll what? 'Hurt me'?" he chuckled.

Then Master did something, I never thought would--could--happen. He made the biggest ball of various magic and gently set it down, causing the whole coffee shop to shake. Dishes began to break, people began to scream... But Master was calm and collected through it all.

Me? Yeah, not so much.

I was like everyone else in the coffee shop--terrified. I was shaking, and I felt Nathan's arms hold me protectively. In this moment, I thought of all the times he made me feel safe--important. All I could think about was us--us being the perfect two. Two pieces that fit just right... All of that ruined because he dated Erica while he was dating me. And call me crazy, but I was starting to think that maybe I could look past all the damage he did.

I was considering giving him a second chance.

When I opened my eyes, the coffee shop was a mess and everyone was silent. I looked at Master and he was looking at me with soft, kind eyes. I bit my lip to hold back tears. Pupils never showed emotion towards their Master unless they were severly injured--like I was in the hospital. At this point, I didn't know right from wrong--black from white. I didn't really know anything.

"Are you all right?" he asked.

I nodded and swallowed.

"Do you protect all of your pupils like this?" I whispered.

Without giving me an answer, Master walked out the door. I exhaled and looked at Nathan. He had this confused expression--like he had just been struck by lightning or something. He exhaled and laughed a little. "What...? Does he have a thing for you, or something?"

"Wha--? No! Of course not. He's, like, thirty something," I said.

"Age is just a number," Nathan shrugged.

"Oh, yeah? Well, jail is just a room," I countered.

"True," Nathan said.

"Let's just go," I stood and Nathan walked back to his car. I continued to walk back to the house. The entire time I was walking, I couldn't stop thinking to myself, why was Master so partial to me?

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