Parent's Approval

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Okay, I would've updated sooner, but my computer wouldn't connect so I'd like to dedicate this chapter to my brothers for fixing my computer for me, so you can all read!!!! (No, they don't have wattpad--I'm the only writer in my family besides my two cousins)


Ryder drove for hours before we reached a bunch of trees. He stopped along a dirt road and made me get out of the truck. We walked and walked until a glistening lake appeared. It seemed peaceful--like a good place to just relax. Ryder and I sat down by the lake and I put my head on his arm. I watched the sun make the lake sparkle.

I felt the warmth of his hand touch the bare part of my arm, that made us inseperable. He kissed my head and left his head on mine. How could I have not known? Ryder was perfect. Sure, he would lose his temper when he got drunk--which I didn't like at all and would have to talk to him later about the drinking--he was still a good person. I could feel in my heart that Ryder was the one. Now all there was, was the parent's approval.

Dad never knew about Ryder, because he trained sorcerers and sorceresses all the time. And I'd mentioned him as part of my story to Mom, but she didn't know much about him. I couldn't imagine what their reactions might be. But it wasn't like I had to tell them, right? I mean, they didn't know about Nathan and Darnellel--when we first got together anyway.

I wasn't even sure why I was stressing over this right now. In this moment, I was with Ryder. Not my parents. Yet, my mind wandered off to "Blessing Land" and made me anxious. My dating Ryder wasn't secret. If they wanted to know, I'd tell them. But I wasn't going to call them and say, "I'm dating Ryder." I breathed, and made myself focus on the pretty lake, and I reminded myself that Ryder was sitting right next to me.

"You okay?" Ryder broke the silence.

"Yeah," I said.

"You seem distant," he said, trying to look in my eyes.

I kept them on the lake. "The scenery is just eye-hooking."

I hadn't lied.

"I love coming here," he said.

"I can see why," I chuckled.

"I remember when I found it. It was a few years ago. I had just realized that I was a human, and decided to just look around this place--see what it was like. Pretty soon, I got lost in the walk and didn't stop. And when I saw this lake from the corner of my eye, I made sure it hadn't been 'claimed' or anything. Now, it's mine. It says so just right over there," he pointed to our right and there was a sign that said: TRESSPASS AND YOU GET HURT.

"Harsh," I chuckled.

"I don't want anyone unwelcome entering," he said.

I sighed, laying in Ryder's lap. I looked up at him and he played with my hair. "I like playing with your hair."

"I can tell," I laughed.

He just stared into my eyes. I smiled and played with his shirt. I'd always wondered what he looked like shirtless. But that was with every attractive guy I saw. Nathan never took his shirt off in front of me, neither had Darnellel or Mason. I had a feeling, though, that I'd be able to see Ryder's chest. Maybe, maybe not. He just laughed at me.

"What?" I looked up at him.

"You're so silly," he shook his head, kissing me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he hovered over me. I'd never given too much thought to how I'd lose my virginity. But losing it to someone I love, seems like the best way. As Ryder showed his first sign he was ready, I had doubts yell in my head:

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