Sense of Feelings

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Okay, I know it's not much, but I fgured why not show you the chemistry boiling up? :)


I woke up to the feel of water. I opened my eyes, sat up, and looked around the fort. Water was rising and I was panicking. I looked over at Darnellel who was still asleep. I shook him awake and he sat upright. He realized what was going on and he looked at me.

"Kate, listen to me," he looked in my eyes. "Go find shelter. A tree somewhere in the woods. Hurry up. I'm gonna have to destroy the fort to get rid of the water--opening the door won't be good enough. You know how Master is. This apart of the challenge. Now go. Let me know when you've found a spot."

I nodded and sprinted. Other forts were either on fire or flooding. So, I'd have competition. I felt like I was in The Hunger Games. I ran deep in the forest and found a clearing. I put up a barrier so others wouldn't see--like Hermoine in Harry Potter. (But no wands). Just pure magic. I opened my medallion and Darnellel answered.

"I found a place," I said showing him our new location.

He nodded. "I'll be there soon."

I nodded and sat down. I looked around to see if there was any food or watere here. I didn't see anything. I sighed and waited for Darnellel. My phone buzzed. I looked at the caller ID and it was Nathan. I didn't even bother to answer. Why would he call me after accusing me of cheating? To apologize? To admit he was wrong? Well, I was kind of busy and didn't want to deal with him right now.

I lost track of the days. I think today was Sunday? Monday? Either way, it wouldn't change anything. Our absenses from school were excused. I wondered about what people were learning. Was there a new unit being taught? A new chapter in a text book? A quiz?

I laid in the grass and let the sun soak into my skin. Where was Darnellel? Was he okay? Was he lost? Would he know where to find me? I sat up and opened my medallion again. When he answered, he was walking through the forest, trying to find me. I held up one finger and poked my head outside the barrier and he was there. I smiled and let him in.

"A barrier?" he asked.

"Yep. Common sense," I smiled.

He nodded and sat down. "Did you use your common sense to find us some food and water?"

I snapped my fingers and made it appear--why I didn't think of the idea before, I have no clue, but that's the best thing about magic. You never knew what type of sense you'll use it in. I handed Darnellel some food and sat next to him. We didn't really talk. Not much had to be said, I guess. As the sun started to set, I stood.

"I'm gonna go get firewood," I said.

"Be careful," he said.

I nodded and went out to a tree. I used some magic to cut the tree down and then made it slice into logs. I carried it all back to our clearing and set it in front of us. I rubbed two sticks together to make the fire appear and then I just watched the flames.

"I love campires," I whispered to myself. "They're so peaceful."

I never felt like such a girl in my life. I couldn't believe I'd actually said that. I wasn't sure why I did. Darnellel looked down and I figured the best thing to do was hug him. Most people didn't like to be asked what was wrong, so I just hugged him.

"You know, Kate... You're different from what I expected of you," he chuckled.

"Different how?" I looked at him.

"When I first saw you, I thought you were this...snob that was very blunt. I figured you'd be this popular cheerleader girl. But you're the exact opposite. And that's a good thing," he looked at me and smiled.

I laughed and looked back at the flames. "I wonder if that's how everyone sees me."

"I don't know," he shrugged.

"So, why isn't your phone going off 24/7 like mine?" I asked him. Random, but it kept conversation going.

"Because all of my friends are here and I don't have a girlfriend," he said.

"Oh," I nodded.

"So how is Nathan?" he asked.

"He tried calling earlier, but I don't know... First, he accuses me of cheating on him, then he breaks up with me. I don't understand him," I shook my head.

"His loss," he shrugged.

I chuckled. "Yeah, right. There has to be something wrong with me. My own brother doesn't even like me."

That's when it got silent. I wasn't sure why. I guess Darnellel was taken by surprise that I'd mentioned him again, but it was eating my insides. Nathan was one thing, but my own brother?

Darnellel placed a finger on my cheek as he caught a tear I didn't even realize had spilled. I wiped my eyes and sighed. I was tired and cold. I began to shiverand I tugged my cloak closer to my chest. Darnellel wrapped his arms around me for warmth, I poked at the fire with a skinny stick until I fell asleep on Darnellel's chest.


The next morning, I opened my eyes and the lack of space between me and Darnellel was scary. Either we were both really cold, or he really like me--I went with the second one. I didn't move, because I knew that if I did, I'd wake him up. The sun was beginning to rise. Darnellel looked so peaceful as he slept.

I smiled and began to play lightly with his hair. Not that he had a lot of hair, but I just wanted to feel his hair. And it was so soft. Again, I felt like such a girly girl. His features were flawless. He had short eyelashes, a symmetrical face, few freckles, not too bushy eyebrows...

I quit playing with his hair and traced his chest--he was wearing a shirt, but I knew where a guy's chest started. Darnellel had a hard chest that outlined perfectly. I worked my way down to his abs--he had an eight pack--and traced those. I went back up and cupped my hand around his neck. Not in a choking kind of way. We were both on our sides, facing each other.

Right here, in this moment, I felt tempted to kiss him. Just for fun, I gently grazed my index finger over his lips. They were slightly cracked from the cold, but they were nice. I laughed at myself for that. I pulled Darnellel's cloak over him more--so he could have a liitle more warmth.

I traced his buff, protective arms. You'd never expect for someone as nice as Darnellel to be Darnellel is hot--not a flirtation, but a fact. His light brown hair showed specks of blonde in the sun, his tanned skin made the contrast look amazing... And behind those eyelids of his was the most beautiful pair of topaz eyes I've ever seen. He put the Cullen's eyes--you know, from Twilight?--to shame.

He stirred slightly and opened his eyes. As soon as he was aware of the fact he was holding me, he let me go awkwardly and sat up. I did too and looked at him.

"Sorry," he said embarrassed.

"It's fine," I smiled.

He looked at me, a smile formed on his face. Was I seriously falling for Darnellel, or was I still not awake?


So?? How do you like Kate and Darnellel as a couple--even though they're not together yet. Haha. Do you think she should go back to Nathan and answer his calls? Comment, vote, predict! :p

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