Expect the Unexpected

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I'm finally able to upload now!!! :D Enjoy!!!


I sat in Issac's room. I needed therapy--I needed to figure all of this out. And sure he'd hate me forever, but there were still unanswered questions that I needed answers to. Like, did he know Master? Was it normal for a Master to be partial to a pupil the way Master was partial to me? Should I give Nathan another chance? And what about Darnellel? Should I marry him? Should I run away?

All of my questions were giving me a headache. I had no one to talk to. Fay and Erica became really good buddies during my recovery, Darnellel said he wouldn't speak to me until I gave him an answer, and Issac was talking to Darnellel right this second. He wouldn't tell me why. I began to feel bad.

Another thing Darnellel and I had in common--unanswered questions. He wanted to know if I'd marry him. Spend the rest of my life with him. Have his kids. Meet his parents when we became Importants. He still needed answers. But when reality hit, I had no clue what the future would hold. Maybe I would, maybe not. I was definately not doing any of that now.

"Hey," Issac said walking in his door.

"Hey," I said.

"You wanted to talk to me?" he sat across from me.

"Yeah," I fiddled with my fingers. "Um... I'm not sure where to begin."

"Well, what made you want to come see me?" he asked.

"I... Okay, you're not an actual therapist, but can we pretend that you are, so we can have the doctor-paitent cofenditilaity thing?" I asked.

"Okay..." Issac raised an eyebrow.

"I met with Nathan today. And then this waiter hit on me, and then my master came in and told him off, basically. It's a really long story, but while I was with Nathan... I considered giving him another chance. I know, there's Darnellel to think about, but... Darnellel wants a fast-going, make babies deal. And Nathan wanted to run away with me, but... I don't know. I feel torn. And I shouldn't. Nathan hurt me and Erica and I couldn't betray Erica like that. Apart of me wants him, though.

"Plus, this whole thing with Master is driving me crazy! He's partial to me. And, while he was telling off the waiter, the waiter asked, 'well, what is she to you?' and then Master looked at me and then said, 'my pupil.' I..." I sighed. "I don't know if I remind him of someone, but it's really starting to freak me out--that he cares about me so much."

"Do you have a picture of him?" Issac asked. "I'm usually a good judge of character."

I nodded and pulled out the picture Master had given all the Regulars when he first met us. I handed it to Issac and Issac's eyes damn near went out of his head. I waited for him to say something. Anything. But he was in...shock? I wasn't sure. When Issac didn't say anything, I grew impatient.

"What is it?" I finally asked.

"Kate..." Issac exhaled. "This.... This isn't your master."

"What?" I asked. "Yes it is."

"No," he looked at me. "This... The man in this picture.... This is our father."

I laughed. "That's funny."

"I'm serious," Issac said. And I could see it in his eyes.

"But... But that doesn't make any sense.... He's trained me, taught spells-- This has to be a mistake."

"It's not. I remember my dad, and this, Kate, is him. He was there when I was born, and when you were born. He left when I was young and you were barely two. It'd probably be better if you talked to him about this. And as for Nathan--"

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