My Brother

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I walked up to him and smiled. My brother didn't look too much older than me. He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I couldn't believe I was seeing my blood. My kin. My brother.

"As promised, your sister. Now sacrafice your powers," the man said.

My brother looked at me and closed his eyes. "No."

"What?" the man snarled.

"I'm not giving up my powers," he said looking at him.

Was I supposed to be hurt by this decision?

"Hmm. Very well," the man shrugged and snapped his fingers. Two different men grabbed my arms. "How about now?"

My brother growled in his chest. I wanted to burst into tears. I could feel my lips quivering and my heart aching. My own brother would rather keep his powers than save me. How selfish of him! I yanked my arms free of the men and ran off. I just ran until I was far enough from that place and was in the middle of the woods. I stopped at a tree and got on my knees.

Tears streaked my face and landed before me. I saw it hit my pants and make spots of water. I felt like the world was caving in on me. I was suffocating in the twisted disbelief. What good reason did that boy have to choose his powers over me? I began to hyperventilate.

"Kate!" Darnellel's voice called. "Kate..."

I wiped my tears away and looked up at him. "Don't look at me."

"I saw the whole thing," he said hugging me.

"What do you mean you saw?" I looked at him.

He pointed to my medallion which was now laying on the outside of my shirt, slightly open. I looked back at him and he helped me up.

"Where's Anabelle?" I asked.

"Oh, she left. She wanted to go home. Don't worry, I teleported her there. She's safe," he nodded.

I looked around and tugged my cloak to my chest.

"Let's get back to the challenge," he said.

I sighed and followed. I sat in our fort and hugged my knees to my chest. My phone vibrated and I tossed it aside.

"You can answer," I shrugged.

"Hello?" Darnellel asked. "I'm Darnellel, who is this? Oh, I've heard about you. She's right here. I don't know, she's pretty upset. It's a long story."

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Nathan," Darnellel said.

I extended my hand and my phone was given back to me. "Hey, Nathan--"

"Who is that?" he snapped.

"Darnellel's just a friend," I assured him.

"Why're you upset?" he asked.

"It's a long story that I don't wanna share," I said.

"Oh, but Darnellel knows," he challenged.

"He was there-- Ugh, I don't have time for this," I snapped and ended the call.

I let it all out. All the pain, rejection, guilt.. All of it crashed on me and I no longer held it in. I was so sick and tired of being treated this way. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I cried even harder at the comfort. The last time someone comforted me was when I was ten and Anabelle was hugging me because a girl had hit me with a fireball.

"I don't know what goes on in your head or in your life, but I'll try to help," Darnellel said.

I couldn't speak. My throat was clogged up with tears and air. My nose started to run and I tried to sniffle it away. Darnellel handed me a tissure box and I took it.

"Where'd you get this?" I whispered blowing my nose.

"Found it," he mumbled.

After I finally calmed down, I looked around. "Do we have any food left?"

He nodded and handed me a large portion for me to eat. I did and it helped with my hunger, About three things that I was absolutely, completely, sure of. One, I understood why sorcerers and sorceresses didn't meet their families until they became an Important. Two, Nathan thought I was cheating and was now mad. And three, a part of me felt an attraction towards Darnellel in a way, I'll probably never understand.


"Kate?" Darnellel asked later that night. Since it was a new moon, it was pitch black--no stars either--so he made a lantern with his magic.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Why do you keep your ability a secret? Are you...ashamed to be a sorceress?" he asked.

I looked up at him and shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, I love being a sorceress, it's just... I hate going through school and hearing about family when... I haven't even met mine. Well, other than my selfish brother."

"It's hard for me, too," he nodded.

I sighed. It was hard on all of us. Family was the only thing that kept us going--to become an Important. My phone vibrated once and I looked at it. A text--a long text--from Nathan:

Kate, I love you. Always have, always will. But I don't like the fact that you won't tell me what's wrong, and the fact that you won't tell me what "training" you're in right now. I have a feeling you're cheating on me with that Darnellel boy, but I have no proof. So until I have my head wrapped around everything, I think we should take a break. I'm not breaking up with you, but you have to understand that I don't know what's going on and I hate it. So let's just take a break.


My heart felt misplaced. How could he do this to me? I shook my head and put my phone in my pocket. I wasn't crying anymore tonight. Nathan just didn't understand. I got that, but that didn't give him the right to accuse. He should be trying to get facts. Proof.

"Nathan?" Darnellel guessed.

I shrugged. "It's nothing."

"So," Darnellel cleared his throat. "What challenge do you think will be thrown at us next?"

"At this rate, it'll be the world against us," I scoffed.

"We'd win," he smiled.

I smiled back at him and bit my lip. I had a feeling that Master wasn't going to challenge us physically. I was pretty sure he was testing our minds and instincts. But why? I swear, Master was a confusing person.


So what do you think is going on? Is Nathan right or wrong? Which one should Kate be with? Comment, vote, fan! :p

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