Slowly Recovering

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Issac and I went back in the house. Erica and Darnellel stood there, waiting for me. I just faked a smile and waved. I looked at Issac, hoping he wouldn't tell them my secret. If they wanted me to get any better, they wouldn't ask questions. I waited for someone to say something--anything. Just no questions.

"So," Issac said. "How long you been waiting?"

"Few minutes," Darnellel said. "Kate, can I talk to you?"

I swallowed, but smiled. "Sure."

Darnellel took my hand and we walked to his room. His room wasn't much different from mine. We sat on the bed and he looked at me.

"You wanna tell me what's going on?" he asked.

"No, not really," I tried to laugh.

"Kate, I saw you with Molly. But before I knew it, your medallion closed. Did she do something to you?" he asked.

"I'd rather not talk about it," I looked at him. "Even if I did, you wouldn't believe me."

"What makes you think that?" he asked.

I sighed. "It's just... I don't know. Just drop it, okay?"

"I want to help you," Darnellel said.

"Well, you can't!" I blew up and got on my feet. "No one can help me!"

I instantly felt guilty. He didn't know. I shouldn't have blown up like that. I was just so sick and tired of people being...pushy. I'm not the most important person on the planet. A tear fell from the corner of my left eye and then I turned around. I wanted to walk out the door. The more I cried, the more I knew that Darnellel was going to be persistant about this.

I put my head against the door and held onto the doorknob for support. I let my tears make wet spots on my cloak and I let it mat the hair that surrounded my face. I sniffled and began to hyperventilate.

"Kate," Darnellel's arms wrapped around my waist. "You're making me worry about you more than I already do. Just please... Let me try to help."

I faced him, but looked down. My back hurt against the door. I shook my head and tried to stop hyperventilating. Darnellel wiped my tears from my eyes and then a thought occured to me. Something that Darnellel said made me wonder.

Kate, I saw you with Molly. But before I knew it, your medallion closed. Did she do something to you?

"You saw me with her," I whispered.

"What?" Darnellel asked.

"You saw me with her... And you didn't bother to come for me?" I looked up at him.

Darnellel was at loss for words. "Kate, it's not like that--"

"Oh really? Did you see the look in her eyes? The wheels in her sick head turning? If you really saw me with her, I'm sure you would've seen that she piled on me! I'm sure you would've seen her hold my wrists, and hear her say that it would be over soon! YOU SAW ME WITH HER, AND YOU LEFT ME THERE ALONE!!!" I yelled and started to hit him in the stomach. More tears moved down my face.

"Kate, stop," he said taking my wrists.

"Don't touch me!" I screamed pushing him away.

"I'm trying to talk to you!" he snapped.

"Don't!" I sniffled again. "Just let me go, Darnellel!"

"Fine," he let go of my wrists. "You don't want to listen, go. I'm trying, but you're not letting me."

"You saw me with her, and left me alone," I whispered walking out.


I knew then that I had to leave. If he had cared about me, he would've considered to come save me. At least come see why my medallion closed. But he didn't. I figured, why? Why deal with all this when I could be with someone that loved me at one point.

I could be with Nathan.

I know, it sounds ridiculous, but before all of this, we were perfect. We were living perfect lives. Even if he did come back for Erica, a piece of me will always love him. I figured I could look past the thought of him being--or loving--another girl. If he let me in with open arms, that'd be fine with me.

I wanted to be just like Erica. I wanted to have a life where I knew my parents and didn't have to wait until a certain time. I knew I had to wait a while, but I was tired of waiting. Waiting takes way too long. Waiting makes me anxious, antsy. Waiting should be illegal. Nonexistant.

I wasn't sure what to do. I was sitting on my bed, playing with my fingers. I looked over at the window. I felt the temptation to just go through the window and run back to Nathan. Or just run somewhere. Somewhere far away from this magical drama. I didn't understand why magic existed. Why have it when it causes such a mess?

The alternative of running to Nathan, was running to Master. He'd know what to do in this situation. He'd know how to handle everything. I wanted him to tell me that he would take care of it and "magically" make me an Important. Both options were really convincing. But when it came down to it, I knew somewhere inside me that I wasn't going anywhere.

I leaned my head back and sighed. The door opened and I looked at Erica somewhat hesitating by the door.

"You can come in," I said. "It's your room, too."

"I just..." she looked around. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine," I said.

"I heard the fight," she murmured.

"That'll blow over," I rolled my eyes.

"Did...? Um... I heard every word of the fight... Including Molly--"

"Shut the door," I urged.

She did and sat next to me. "Did this Molly person--?"

"You don't need to worry over it. It's over," I said.

"Well, I'm here for you," she nodded.

I hugged her. I knew that with Erica, she meant well. And if I told her to keep it to herself, she would. She was a sweet person. And so was Fay when she wasn't snapping at you. I guess deep down inside everyone is a good person who has either been through hell or just doesn't know any better.

That brought me back to Molly. Was her childhood terrible? Were her parents sick and demonted? Why did she do what she did? Was it for her own satisfaction? What did she gain from doing such a cruel thing? Did it make her feel superior? Was she neglected? Did all of her relationships sink? Either way, she had no right to do that to me.

I felt myself becoming happier. And in that moment, I knew that I was going to be okay. Not because of the people around me--definately, not because of the people around me--but because I actually took the time to think about her side. I took the time and sanity to not put the blame all on her. I began to slowly recover.

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