Mason, The Pack, And Nathan

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Mom was a teacher at an academy. So, on the weekdays, I wouldn't see her as much. I wasn't too thrilled with that--we had just found each other yesterday. But it was her job, so I didn't argue. I mostly stayed in the house and watched TV. I felt neauseus. I knew why, too. It was those milkshakes.

This was why most of us didn't eat human food. We were able to eat human food, but didn't. I didn't throw up or anything. I just ate some of our magic food to settle my stomach. I was laying on the couch, flipping through channels when my phone vibrated on the table. I reached over and grabbed it. A text from Mason.

Hey, just wonderin if u wanna come meet the pack 2day. U dont haf 2, but itd be a good way 4 us 2 get 2 know each other.


I laughed. Mason seemed like a really nice guy. And the fact that he wanted me to meet the pack, and hang out with him, was a good sign--a really good sign. So I texted:

Sure. :) Where do you guys wanna meet??

The woods. See ya soon.


I got dressed and walked to the woods. I walked around, looking for Mason. I saw Mason standing with four girls and five guys. My jaw dropped and I looked at Mason. He laughed at my reaction and stood by his pack.

"This is the rest of the pack. There's Dylan, Sam, Logan, Mike, and Beck. And for the girls, there's Emma, Lia, Kenna, and Mackenzie," Mason introduced.

"So, who's the Alpha?" I asked.

"Me," Beck said.

"Oh, okay. Well, um, I'm Kate," I waved.

"We have heard about you," Beck said.

"Oh," I said. I felt very awkward.

There was a rustle in the bushes and I gasped. Mason stood next to me and looked at Beck. "What's there?"

"That couple again," he said. "They're not looking for us--they're just taking a walk."

"What couple?" I asked.

"Ryder and Anabelle. They always hang out with us. Beck isn't too fond of them. Then again, it takes him a while to warm up to anyone," Mason said.

"Ryder and Anabelle? They're my friends," I said.

"Really?" Beck asked.

I nodded.

"Interesting. In a good way," Beck assured me.

I looked at the whole pack. They were all so... I wasn't sure how to put it. They looked like a huge family, almost. Lia had lightly tanned skin, dark brown wavy hair, and honey brown eyes. She seemed shy. She just looked down and tugged her hair behind her ears. Kenna had black hair and blue eyes. Her skin was pale, so I guessed that her fur would be black and white. Mackenzie had light brown hair and brown eyes. Emma had brown hair and blue eyes. She didn't seem shy at all. She occasionally glanced at Dylan and laughed. Dylan had brown hair and brown eyes.

I could smell the love in the air.

I was pretty sure that every girl would find some guy in the pack to be with. I wondered how werewolves worked. Did they imprint like in Twilight? Did they have to strip before phasing? What species were they enemies with? Did they even have a mortal enemy? So many questions rang through my head, but I couldn't find my voice to ask.

Beck had dark hair, brown eyes, and muscular body. Sam had dirty blonde hair and topaz eyes. Logan had light brown spiky hair and green eyes. Mike had bronze hair and blue eyes. They were all pretty buff, and had some character in their facial expressions, but I couldn't exactly pinpoint them.

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