Not All Surprises Are Good

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Darnellel left a little while later. I couldn't believe what had just happened. He kissed me! He actually liked me! I went to walk around the house. I walked by a room and heard music. Then I heard singing. I opened the door quietly and Fay was singing karaoke.

"You don't need to talk French

To make me giddy.

You don't need to fly me off to some foreign city.

You don't need pretty words just to turn my head.

And you don't need to be a casanova in bed.

If you're gonna love me,

Why don't you just do it?

Come on baby,

Put your heart into it!

"You don't need to pop out of a birthday cake.

You don't need to bring me roses on roller-skates.

Write my name in big letters across the sky.

No, you don't need to run for president to catch my eye.

If you're going to love me,

Why don't you just do it?

Come on baby,

Put your heart into it!

"Well you can lead a horse to water,

But you can't make 'em drink.

Send a boy to college,

But you can't make him think.

We'll I've been feeling kind of lonely

Like a ship out on the ocean.

I need to see a little old-fashioned emotion.

"Well you got my attention, baby.

What's on your mind?

You can leave all that fancy footwork behind.

Well I can see you're cute and I know you're witty.

But let's get down to the real nitty gritty.

If you're going to love me,

Why don't you just do it?

Come on baby,

Put your heart into it!

"Yeah, if you're gonna love me,

Why don't you just do it?

Come on baby,

Put your heart into it."

I clapped my hands and Fay paled and turned around. I laughed and she turned off the karaoke.

"How long have you been standing there?" she asked.

"Since 'you don't need pretty words just to turn my head.'" I laughed.

"It's not funny," she murmured.

"I know. You're really good. Way better than me," I assured her.

"Wanna try it?" she asked.

"I thought you hated me," I arched an eyebrow at her.

She shrugged. "If I'm better than you, that means I get to watch you embarrass yourself."

I nodded, getting the catch. "Maybe another time?"

"Fine," she said.

"So.." I started.

"What?" she asked picking up her karaoke stuff.

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