1⎮Sleeping beauty

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A solitary ray of sunlight peaks through the blinds, innocuously hitting my forehead in the process. I softly swear under my breath, I know I have a big forehead, but what's the chance? I grunt and bury my face deeper into the pillow, somebody obviously forgot to turn the blinds down properly, that somebody is most probably me. I mean, at almost eighteen, you'd expect a young, bright girl like me to be able to turn the blinds down. Obviously, I'm not ready to move out just yet. I know I'll eventually have to get up to close the blinds if I wish to continue sleeping, there is no way the stubborn sun will leave me alone. 

As I convince my legs to stand up, artificial neon light enters my light of vision. It's the alarm clock; it reads four minutes past six. The first problem, which is inevitably linked to the second, is that it is way too early to be awake and there is no way my brain is working at this time of dawn. The second problem, arguably the most important one, is that I don't own an alarm clock. And, if I'm not in possession of a bright orange alarm clock, I'm probably not in my room. Although, maybe, my brain is messing with me. 

Ok Nora, concentrate, this is important. 

Neon orange alarm clock. Inexistent blinds. Odd painting of a woman that is glaring at me? Definitely not my bedroom. 

With this important realisation, my brain finally starts ticking and I notice a low, constant background noise: someone's snoring. Someone's probably been snoring all night. 

I cautiously peek over to the other half of the bed and realise there is a boy in my bed. There is a boy in my bed, well not my own bed but still. I try not to panic, this is not too bad, I can slid out of the duvet and go home. No one has to know. 

Irresponsible, that's exactly what I am.  

I tentatively glance towards him again and a lump of blankets thrown over his body catches my attention, that's why I was so cold all night. His face is turned away from me and I really don't want to discover if I know him. He lets out another snore and I roll my eyes, he's a blanket thief and he snores. Rude. 

I let out a hysteric laugh. Panicking won't help me, if I could just breathe like a normal person maybe I could remember where I am and who the stranger boy is. I simply need to work through this situation in a logical way. 

I. Yesterday was Friday.  

II.  My friend Bianca invited a bunch of people to her house (she promised it was to be a party about board games and Christmas carols).

III. I came to the party with Connor, we danced, we played some silly games in the living room. 

IIII. Then what? Something happened, something that didn't allow me to go back home... the snow!

Yes, the snow. It was snowing so much streets were closed and everyone was advised to stay exactly where they were, no one was to move. Connor had already left by then and so had most of my friends. My parents were away for the weekend. Hence, I must have decided to take up Bianca's offer and stay the night. 

Ok, so I'm not so irresponsible, I'm stuck in this room because of the snow and not because I make stupid decisions, I can sleep easy. 

I quietly get off the bed and I feel a little faint noticing I'm wearing sweatpants. I'm pretty sure I was wearing a dress last night and these must be Bianca's clothes I'm wearing, maybe I asked her for clothes to sleep in? But where is my dress? I can't seem to find my shoes either, in fact walking barefoot is making me quite cold. I finally decide I must have left my shoes outside the room, they do smell quite bad. 

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