20⎮Girls love girls

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The canteen is noisy and crowded as always and I quickly scan the place as I collect my food. I think that I will undoubtedly miss this place, of course during my time here I've complained about it - I've complained about the food, how small the room is to accommodate all of us, the smell that makes my nose curl. But this is also where some of the best memories are stored, this is where we celebrated birthdays and ate chocolate muffins, this is where we've been tricked into eating spicy sushi, this is where we've spent our lunch detentions surveilled by Miss Cornflower. 

"Ugh I'm so tired of feeling like Bridget Jones" Marika's head is placed on her palm, she's moving around the pasta left in her plate. I watch her closely as I sit down in front of her, the rest of our table empty. 

"Are your glasses off balance?" 

"I forgot my lenses and some idiot hit me square in the face during volleyball" there is silence for a moment before I start chortling, these things only happen to Mary. 

"That must have been horrible, did you go to the nurse?" 

"Nope, I gave myself permission to an early lunch" 

"You feel like Bridget Jones how?" I gingerly try some of my own pasta, I must say it looks innocuous enough, this could actually be tasty. 

"Okay let me make a list of all the very unfortunate events that happened to me just today" she raises her index finger for the first catastrophe, "at breakfast I was pouring milk in my brother's cup and somehow it all ended up on the tablecloth and my dress, so fine I change out of it, I'm late for the bus so I have to run to school and I'm all sweaty" she makes a disgusted face and I can't hide my enormous smile, I must say she's got a knack for making things sound so amusing, "and guess who's standing next to my locker? Benjamin fricking Henderson with his holy smile and I looked disgusting, not even exaggerating" she sighs, "As if that weren't enough Miss Cornflower called me out for being late, she said it was the third time of the week which is fricking impossible because it's Tuesday for heaven's sake, that's mathematically impossible, anyways she gave me detention" She huffs out and I really want to laugh, "Then we had gym class right? You can see my glasses are messed up but that's not even the worst thing, I bent down to pick up the damn ball and I hear a rip"

"Oh no"

"Oh yes, my pants ripped right in between my butt cheeks - Nora the whole world saw what kind of underwear I'm wearing today"

"You're worse than Bridget Jones" she snorts. 

"And the day isn't even over yet- it's only lunch time, imagine how many bad things could still happen to me" I'm trying to imagine Marika lying on the gym floor, the ball that just hit her at full force is rolling off to the side, her glasses are discarded somewhere next to her, she must be kind of dizzy and then the cherry on the cake - her pants decide they've lived a long enough life. 

I can't stop laughing, Mary's laughing as well, tears coming out of her eyes. And every time I'm about to stop and I look at her I start laughing again, we must look like two lunatics. 

"Didn't you kiss Ben once?" I ask once we've calmed down. "Wait was it at Adrian's birthday party back in October?" Mary starts blushing and I realise we've never talked about this before because she's never told me. It was the same night I'd kissed Julian, I saw it happening when I moved away from the staircase, when Julian went to fetch the cake. "You were standing at the top of the stairs weren't you? I went in one of the rooms to get my coat and I passed by you" 

"Okay stop reminiscing, I thought no one saw us - it was just a peck" 

I'm trying to remember more details about what happened but the scene is blurry in my head and I was in such a hurry I probably didn't even fully register what was happening. "Why on earth didn't you mention it? You kissed a Greek God and I've been left in the dark this whole time" She blushes again, her hands now cover her eyes and I can't hear what she mutters under her breath. 

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