10⎮Kisses & other things

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Mock exams are finished, I'm taking a bath, Julian is coming over tonight... life couldn't be better. I sigh and sink further down into my bath. The water is pink due to the bath bomb I accidentally dropped in, Eva will never notice anyways. I feel a little exhausted, partly due to exams and mostly because I need to constantly fight away thoughts of Julian which interrupt my study sessions. But now I can relax, my brain can think about Julian all it wants. As I think about him a smile forms on my lips, it's almost a reflex, as if my body can't help but feel happy just thinking about him. And it's not just because he's good looking. Although sometimes I check that there is no drool around my mouth, and I often have to remind myself to stop gaping... and a little too often I ask him to repeat himself because I get lost looking at his face. I wonder if everyone feels this insane kind of distraction or if I'm just weird.

My parents left for the weekend (wedding anniversary weekend away) which means Julian could technically sleep here, maybe, if he wants to, I could casually bring it up when he comes over. Maybe. Or I'll text him.

"Nora?" My sister loudly knocks on the bathroom door and I sink further down in the hot water. "Can you let me in, I need my lipstick" I told her I was taking a bath and yet she always has to interrupt.

"Sorry, just got in"

"You've been in there for thirty minutes and I need to go or I'll be late"

"So go" I can practically see her rolling her eyes but I don't care, she's not the one who had exams for two full weeks. School is so stressful. I need my beauty bath. Maybe I'll use that face mask I saw in the shower, something to do with snail slime, Eva won't notice. Her skin is so soft she hardly needs any of these products. Besides she always steals my clothes. 

"Nora you remember you need to pick Daisy up from school right? That's in like twenty minutes" Shit. How could I forget about Daisy? No snail slime mask for me. 

Before he can even say hi I smash my lips against his. There is snow on his jacket and yet he tastes like sunny days. I place my hand on his cheek and deepen the kiss and a low moan escapes his lips, gosh if I missed this boy. Somehow, while he tugs at my lower lip and our tongues start their maddening dance I'm reminded of a book I read and how to kiss well one must kiss solely. Only the lips have to touch, and I'm thinking that I can't do that, I don't have the kind of self control needed. When I open my eyes we've managed to close the door behind us and Julian's leaning against it, his breath comes out in little clouds between us and his glasses have turned opaque.

He laughs and removes them, I kiss him again.

"Hi Nora" he leaves his shoes in the corridor and I put his jacket away to dry. "If you always welcome me like that I think I'll come more often"

"You came only for the kisses?" His eyes are so intense I catch my breath.

"Obviously" his lips are swollen, they're as red as my lipstick, very kissable. He notices me staring because the next thing he does is wink at me before throwing himself on the sofa, leaving me craving for more.

"So" I sit on the opposite side of the sofa, my body facing him instead of the TV, my legs stretched between us "you think I can get the foot massage I was promised?"

A laugh escapes his lips and is lost in the quietness of the living room. He smiles and rolls his eyes but takes one of my feet nonetheless, amused when he notices I'm wearing the socks he got me. His fingers work their magic and as warmth shoots through my body, I relax, he's better than a blanket. I sigh and close my eyes. "You know I really deserve it after all those exams" Maybe he could think about becoming a masseuse, that would be such a nice job and he could give me free massages all the time. 

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