A land far away

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"The prophecy of your sons have changed since you have last been here Ragnar, yes they will be known, yes they will hold more fame then you, yes one will marry the daughter of a great king, but one will marry a queen of a far land, they call her the Shadow Queen for death falls in her wake" The seer spoke to Ragnar, the king has returned only to ask this once again what of his son's

"Who will marry this Queen?" Ragnar asked  

"This shadow Queen will choose one of your sons, she pleases, therefore, you must take them all with you, even the cripple one" 

The Queen:

Over the sea's lays a land, a land ruled by a Queen, they call the shadow queen, the daughter of death and the conquer of all.  The Goddess has foretold told her the arrival of a king and his son's, she will marry the one she feels fit. 

"This is not a good idea, my queen" One of my advisers whispered to me, I raise my hand to his face. Kai was a trusted adviser but he does not rule I do. I am Morrigan, the Shadow Queen, the daughter of death and the conquer of all.

"Tell me again Dillion why is it that you betrayed me to the tribes, telling them battle plans, Now that was not a good idea Kai," I say rising to my feet, my black dress falling behind me. Kai walks by my side as I walk to the betrayer, 

"My queen" one of my army men scream while entering, he bows as he sees me. 

"The northern man have arrived as you foretold"A sly smile plays on my face. "Send them to me," I say turning my heel and walking to my throne. 

"What of Dillon, my queen," Kai asks once again taking his place next to me

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"What of Dillon, my queen," Kai asks once again taking his place next to me.

"Strip him bare, tie him to one of the throne room pillars," A can hear a cow moo in the distance, I grin "And every time that cow moo's cut his flesh and prepare the wolfs for the hunt," I say sitting on my throne. The heavy wooden doors of the throne room swings open, I sit up a little taller a little prouder, A man enters, five men behind him, well one is caring other on his back, the men bow.

"Queen, this is Ragnar and his son's, they have traveled from the north, to meet you" One of my guards announce, I look to Kai. Kai straitens up and walks forward a bit, he turns and shows his hand towards me

"You stand before Morrigan, the Shadow Queen, the daughter of death and the conquer of all," Kai says strong and proud.

"Shadow Queen we have come here with words from our gods, it was foretold that one of my sons will marry you" The man Ragnar said raising. 

"Yes, my gods have foretold this, let me see your son's King Ragnar, "I say rising, I walk towards the six men, I can now see that one of them sat on the floor. "Let us start with your eldest"

 "Let us start with your eldest"

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The Shadow Queen(Ivar Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now