Battels won

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Hey Guys, I just wanted to say thank you for all the votes and reading, I am really enjoying writing again because of it, you guys are my motivation to continue.  I also want to thank my cousin; Chantall for using her photoshop skills in designing me a new cover. Thank you, xxx


The battle was won, once again the dread sets in, as I look over the muddy bloody terrain, my boots are covered in blood and mud. I look up seeing Ivar and his brother celebrate, I turn to find Kai, looking over Ardan, The dwarf stood tall and proud not giving away his hight, but there was a cut across his face, running from his forehead to his cheek, I let out a breath and run to him, just before he lost consciousness

"EVELYN" losing my voice as I scream, this gathers everyone's attention, causing Ivar to leave his brothers and charge to me

"Kai get him up, place him on the chariot, let's get him to Evely" Ivar commands from behind me, I rise as they take him away, am I to lose another commander. am I to lose a friend, for what a war for a man that is dead, a man who was a legend in Ivars peoples eyes, then why would one of his son's hate him so and why would he allow to brothers to beat each other throats all the time. Did Sigurd hate Ivar but why because their mother loved him. I look down to my blood stained arms, was this what the goddess wanted from me? 

"My Queen" I hear someone question I turn around wildly finding Khal frowning towards me "let us go back to camp," He said holding out his hand in a pointing manner. Blindly I follow hear a crow in the distance I look back I can see the dead leave their bodies, journeying to the next life, today my gift is a curse. 

Later that night I am sitting in the shallow end stream washing the blood from my body, Eilish and some of her warriors are deeper in the stream, I can hear their laughter echo in the deep woodlands

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Later that night I am sitting in the shallow end stream washing the blood from my body, Eilish and some of her warriors are deeper in the stream, I can hear their laughter echo in the deep woodlands.

"My queen" A blond woman screams at me, I look up from scrubbing my hands "We were wondering what the king is like?" the other woman giggle as Eilish shakes her head 

"You want to know what the king is like in bed," I asked shaking my head and letting out a small laugh "He is like a King, he is proud and powerful, you, yourself can see the marks he left," I say getting up "But never ask me this again" I say as I leave to pull my dress over my head.  I slowly make my way back to the camp, people are busy. I nod in greeting to the people who greet me. 

I let out a breath as I enter me and Ivars tent, I jump seeing him sitting patiently waiting for me, he grins upon seeing me. I give him a small smile but it fades quickly as I see a figure behind Ivar

"Who are you" I whisper, I did not know this dark hooded figure, Ivar frowns at me

"I am Ivar, what has gotten into you," he asks in a blink of an eye the figure was gone again

"There was someone behind you Ivar" Ivar frowns to me once again before turning, 

"There is no-one here Morrigan"  I let out a sigh and sit down next to him

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