A wedding and a Burial

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My bare feet feel like a dream on the cold floor, my aching feet are thanking me. My commanders look towards me looking for answers, what now. Ardan and Khal are at each other throats, scream at each other on the tops of their lungs, chaos and in that chaos, I see a woman, face pale and eyes tired, I see her work day and night to help her king, in the chaos, I see a wise man mourn the death of a friend by screaming, I see a brother mourn but I also see happiness in his face, in this chaos I see the sadness and mourning of my people, I see death and how it affects the living

"Have we found his body?" I ask causing everyone to turn to me and where I was standing barefooted, frowns appear on their faces

"No my Queen"It was Ardan who spoke first "Where are your boots?" he questions

"My feet hurt"I whisper back, but it was like the other had the same question and they also asked 

"MY FEET HURT" I screaming causing them to step back, The door is pushed open as Ivar hurries inside wearing new braces Ardan had designed for him, The dwarf smiles proudly at Ivar

"Who is upsetting her now"Ivar asks frowning as he reaches me and places his hand on my arm "I had simple orders for you, prepare  for Khal wedding, find Kai's body and do not upset her today, was I not clear"Ivar ask turning towards them, they all look down in guilt "Do it now"

"You heard your king," I say as I leave. As I walk my feet feel the earth it was to calm, something was not right, Kai would have come to me. I frown as I walk towards the woodlands. Taking in nature I look around me, Ivar would not be happy with me, Saxons could be hiding here, I hear footfalls behind me and see two of Ivars men walking a little behind me, I smile. Ivar had probably sent them to protect me. I let out a sigh and turn walking past the men and back to the village of York. I shake my head as I walk towards where Ivar was busy with his horse.

"I will ask Evelyn later how her process is going," I say standing next to Ivar as he brushes the dirt and blood from his horse.

"She came to me today," Ivar said looking down in guilt 

"Who Evelyn," I asked confused 

"No, Freydis" 

"What did she want, "I ask clutching my teeth 

"She asked me to make her my second wife" I stepped back and let out a laugh before turning and running to find her, and possibly kill her, I can hear Ivar scream my name, but I run solidly into Evelyn who is grinning like a mad woman, she grabs my arms shaking me 

"I have it, we will need a lot of blood, a sacrifice" Evelyn screams at me, I look at her smiling 

"I know that smile, someone needs to sleep with both eyes open" Eilish whispers next to Evelyn

"I know who to ask," I say grinning.

"I know who to ask," I say grinning

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