Brothers at war

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The arrival of more ships meant Kai had arrived, like me Kai's face betrayed him, telling us all what he thought of this place, By his side was a man, the man had chocolate brown hair and Hazel eyes much like his sister Eilish, Sialis was a strong brave warrior but had given up on fighting to farm and grow his family. Eilish face lit up when she saw her brother on the deck next to Kai. Hvitserk looks to me in confusion as Eilish rushes forward and he brother pulls her into a hug. I smile in a greeting to the man

"My Queen, it would be my honor to fight by your side," He says taking a bow

"The honor would be mine Sialis, but you will be under your sister's command" the man rises and nods towards me

"After you left, they came looking for you on the farm, they killed Alma and our daughter Betha" Eilish looked towards her brother in shock.

"I am sorry for your lose they will be avenged, Kai tells me how the battles have been," I ask as we make our way towards the camp.

"We had gain control over Dublin once again, once we return we will win back our lands" Kai states proudly...

"We had gain control over Dublin once again, once we return we will win back our lands" Kai states proudly

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A song being sung echo over the mountain tops, everyone comes to a standstill, listening. Soon King Harald joins in on the singing. The song I can not understand I turn to Ivar who has his hand on my back, he is playing with the stands of my hair that end there.

"Are you ready?" he asks rubbing my back, rubbing over the healed wound that has left a scar, a reminder of battle. I nod to him and turn my body towards him, placing my head on his shoulder I listen to the song being sung. "It is the song of war" Ivar whispered placing a kiss on top my head, "Evelyn said there is a prayer you say before going into battle" I look up towards him and smile

"If I should die on this day, carry my soul into the afterlife, where I will wait for my king and army to fight once more" I whisper "It is a prayer to The Morrigan, goddess of death, war and chaos"

"How can one goddess rule over three things," he asks frowning down to me

"It is said that she use to be three goddesses, three sisters, but times of war and death shaped her into one," I say smiling at him, He lifts his eyebrows at me but nods anyway

"Be careful, today please" I look up to him once more and nod, placing a kiss on his lips. I stand back once again, as I see Hvitserk making his way towards us, I smile at him as he comes to stand next to me.

"I have a question for you," He asks looking back towards the people, readying for war.

"Ask away," I say as Ivar lets go of me and start to walk off I frown at him

"I asked him if I could talk to you alone, its about Eilish"

"What about her," I say turning to look at him

"I never knew she had a brother, she told me she had no family"

"That's because although she cares for her brother, she felt he did not protect her, when her father sold her to mine, our world was much worse then yours is now, war's like this would happen every day, and wars need warriors to fight, Sialis was one but when we went to him to fight for our Couse he had said no, he had said he did not believe in me like a Queen, I should have killed him but Eilish begged me not to, So I sent him away to live on as a farmer, she believes her brother betrayed her that day" I say and let out a sigh "The past hurts Hvitserk, that's why we do not speak about it" I say turning to leave, Hvitserk caught my arm, I look towards him

"If I die today, tell her I will be waiting for her in Valhalla"

"Tell her yourself Hvitserk," I say patting his hand as he let me go and walking towards Ivar, Who is looking at Ardan and Ulfr in wonder. The wolf had armor around his neck and back, I smile towards Ardan.

"Thank you, Ardan you have outdone yourself" The dwarf smiles proudly at me...

I stand among the fighter, Ivar is speaking to all of them in his mother tongue, scream at them, the fighters cheer and rush forward

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I stand among the fighter, Ivar is speaking to all of them in his mother tongue, scream at them, the fighters cheer and rush forward. Rushing into battle to fight their own people, rushing to their potential death, with one last look to Ivar I run forward, swinging my spear as I go, killing some men as I slash my spear into their flesh, blood spills for the wound onto my armor and my face. I draw in my breath and throw my spear into the chest of a man running toward Kai, I let out the breath and grab the blade strapped to my hip and swinging down... drawing blood as I go...

The battle is won, You could feel the excitement radiating for the people, Ivar was very happy and excited to return to Kattegat

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The battle is won, You could feel the excitement radiating for the people, Ivar was very happy and excited to return to Kattegat.  I look towards Hvitserk as he falls to his knees in front of Eilish, she turns to me and frowns, I look towards Harald who is drinking mead, he had just killed his brother, you could see the sadness in his face. I let out a breath as I feel the blood dry on my body, I look up seeing the bloodshed and death and then I see him my husband laughing wickedly... 

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