Descend into chaos

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I have killed my brother, he died by my hands, how long has it been. The look on sweet Morrigan's face it will never fade from my memory the look of complete horror, her sobbing at night as she clutched her abdomen, her desperate cry as she told me to leave. What have I become? Not only that the lives of my new people are descending into chaos, but my life has also descended into chaos, Morrigan does not speak, she does not move she does not eat or sleep just sits there looking onward.

"What give you and your warriors the right to touch a woman like that1" I hear Eilish scream in the direction of Khal who is screaming drunken slurs back at the small framed woman. Evely is screaming a Kai, Kai is screaming at his brother and Ardan is sitting and drinking wine enjoying the show, every now and then they all shift to their mother tongue causing me to no understand a word they are saying.

"Say something Ivar, you are our King we are looking towards you for guidance and leadership" Ardan whispers next to me as I look to Morrigan once again, her grey eyes have lost their color "You are worried about her and so are we, but the last time we saw her like this it did not end well King Ivar" Ardan stated to me

"ENOUGH" I scream, causing everyone in the camp to turn to me, even my brother looked towards me in disbelieve "Enough fighting, Khal I want you to apologize to the woman you and your warriors touched inappropriately, Kai I want you to return what you stole from Evelyn, and for the love of Odin stop screaming" I stated causing Morrigan to rise and walk away, My heart follows her as she walks, clutching her abdomen once again, was there something wrong with our child, was that the problem. She looks back to me and whispers her voice horse "We need to speak" 

Blindly I follow her away from the camp, away from our people, my hands hurt from crawling so deeply into the woods. I look up to her as she comes to a stop, sitting against a tree I look towards her.

"Your gods sent a man with an ugly face to give me a warning, that if you killed your brother our firstborn child would be a beast and it would lay dead in my arms," She says playing with the hem of the long sleeves,

"The seer told you this," I asked frowning

"if that is what you call him then yes, you see Ivar you have sealed our fate, the child I am carrying right now will be a beast,  it will bear no name, it will not learn to fight alongside its mother and father, it would not learn the songs of my people and yours, you see Ivar the last time I let my emotions take control, like Ardan said it did not end well, I slaughter an entire tribe for not believing in me and seeing my views on life, I will most likely do it again, If you had just ignored him, what about him believing you are a man was so important that it cost us the life of our first born" She ask sobbing and crying she fell to the floor, I slowly crawl towards her, I let out a sigh as I pull her sobbing form into my lap

"I did not know, I do not know why the gods have done this to us my love, but I am  so sorry Morrigan, please forgive me, my heart is so broken I don't think it will ever be fixed" I look down to her as she looks up towards me

"When will you stop apologising for the monster your people have turned you into, mocking you, making you believe that you are not a man, this stops now Ivar, from now on we do everything together, we lead and we take what we want, when we want, and this plan of farming please why would a man give you land in the middle of his kingdom" I frown down to her, she was right, I let out a grin and place a kiss on her dried lips

"Together we will be unstoppable we will even punish the gods for what they have done"   I whisper holding her close to me as she sobbed 

"Together we will be unstoppable we will even punish the gods for what they have done"   I whisper holding her close to me as she sobbed 

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