Am I not enough?

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I awoke breathing in air like it was the first time I have ever breathed air, like I am taking my first breath. Evelyn sits asleep in the corner of the tent. Khal stands looking down towards me, he smiles but in his eyes, something else flashes anger. He was angry with me or someone, or something.

"Good morning King Ivar, I trust the passage was successful" Khal states, holding out his hand to help me up "She wishes to see you"


I sit looking towards the flames as it dances before me. I observe the people around me, Vikings they are always eating, always feasting and always battling. Is this their life, their world. Eat, drink and die. How simple minded of them, but these people are my people now, I accepted them the moment I married Ivar, even if he sought comfort from another woman, a Viking woman. A blond haired beauty, everything I am not, but I am one thing she will never be a Queen. Kai makes his way towards me, Kai was enraged last night when I told him and the others. He smiles at me and stands next to me, taking his place as my protector once more.

"I believe he is waking, Khal has gone to get him, Evelyn is asleep, and by now two moons have passed, you should start showing soon" 

I frown up towards him, has it already been so long, my breath becomes harsh and uneven as I smile back at him 

"Two Moons, by the gods" I whisper to myself, as I see Khal and  Ivar making their way towards us, Ivars face is pale, and his eyes are bloodshot, he looks tired, He takes a seat next to me.

"I believe the passage was successful," I ask as Ivar nods towards me 

"Morrigan, I am sorry for the pain I caused you, I broke your heart and that is not right, but that woman means nothing to me, you are my world, my sun and my moon and the future I saw for us is beautiful and I would fight my hand bare to get it, I will do anything Morrigan, anything" He says grabbing my hands causing me to look towards him

"Ivar, pain is nothing I felt betrayed, I felt like you sought comfort from someone who is lower then I am, we are King and Queen, yes we are not on our homeland but I need you to treat me like the Queen I am, because I have never seen you as the cripple, I have always seen you as Ivar, a king, a warrior, When will what I see you as ever be enough for you, why seek approval from people who do not give a rats ass about you, am I not enough" I asked pulling my hands from his "Once you trust in me Ivar I will give you the greatest gift I can, Once I am enough for you I will help you walk like the normal man you crave to be" I state getting up and leaving before I leave I turn to look back at him  once more  "Think about what you have done Ivar, Think about what you want to say and then come and find me"

"Ivar, pain is nothing I felt betrayed, I felt like you sought comfort from someone who is lower then I am, we are King and Queen, yes we are not on our homeland but I need you to treat me like the Queen I am, because I have never seen you as the ...

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I look down to the people as they create traps for the Saxons, Ivar believes in making them believe that we are dying they will attack and we will have the advantage. It has been two days since I last spoke to Ivar, he had a lot to think about, I do not blame him, my stomach was showing a little a little bump has formed, but now I fear a dead child is growing inside me. Eilish makes her way towards me. she nods in a greeting I smile back to her.

"How are you," She asks leaning against the wall and looking down to the people like I was, I shake my head at her.

"My husband has sought comfort from another, my people are blindly following me, believing I have all the answers whilst I have nothing, Evelyn is working day and night to help Ivar, and I don't even know if he wants me anymore, I fear I am carrying a dead child and Khal and Kai are at each other throats once more," I say placing my hand on my stomach and looking down, Eilish place her milky hand ontop mine

"This is a test, Morrigan, never once was your life easy but I have seen you faced worst than this and win, you will win this, you will overcome this," She says smiling to me "The wind is calling you, all you have to do is listen" She says before leaving, AS she leave Ivar makes his way towards me. His face shows he has not been sleeping, he was like me tossing and turning underneath the starts, I longed for him at night to lay next to him.

"I have been thinking about what you said" He says sitting down next to me, I frown and sit down "I thought back to the day my father came back from the seer, I have wonderful news he said, told us about how one of his sons will marry a Queen of a faraway land, I remember everyone was excited but me, I had thought to myself what Queen will marry a cripple, she would surely choose my brothers over me, for so long I have been Ivar the cripple, Ivar the boneless, for so long I have had to live with the whisper from people, there goes poor Ivar, poor little Ivar, I don't crave to be normal, I crave to show people what a legend Ivar the boneless is, to prove everyone wrong, but you choose me, you did care that I was a cripple why?"

I frown at him "Because Ivar I didn't marry you for your legs, I married you for your heart and your mind, you are a very smart man, I knew now and I know this to be true that together we will be unstoppable, the world will know who we are and they will never forget us, our names will be written in history , but I need you to see that" 

"I see it now Morrigan, you are more than enough for me, you are who the gods chose for me, and now you are paying for my sins and I will do anything to make it right"

I smile towards him and place my hands on either side of his face, placing a kiss on his lips "You already have, you chose me" ...

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