A great sacrifice

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I look down to her sleeping form, sadness in my heart as I swallowed my tears, What have I done? If I have not killed Sigurd we would still have a child, a first born, Why have the gods done this, was it a test. I look up seeing Evelyn making her way towards us, Morrigan is sleeping soundly on my lap. Evelyn looks towards me and gives me a small sad smile

"Would you like some nightshade, my king?" She asks softly, I shake my head no as she takes her leave. I look down to Morrigan once again, Eilish helped her into a white dress for her to sleep in, there was so much blood, she was in so much pain, she screamed and screamed, later she cried herself to sleep. The was nothing just blood and fragments of what would have been a child, Could I have done something to stop this, Should I blame the gods or myself. With one last look to Morrigan, the pain and the shock of the day took over my body as I lay back my head my eyes feel heavy with tiredness and with one last thought my eyes fall closed.

 With one last look to Morrigan, the pain and the shock of the day took over my body as I lay back my head my eyes feel heavy with tiredness and with one last thought my eyes fall closed

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I awake with a fright, my hands automatically go to my stomach but there is nothing there, nothing left, nothing to hold, nothing to care for. I look around bewildered finding no one, Ivar was not there, I was alone, as I sand my body aches, screaming at me to lie back down, screaming at me to get rest, but there was no time for rest now. I wonder out of the building, wandering around this place, wondering till I found the woodlands. In my mind, I was questioning everything and everyone even the gods. I was hoping the god Ivar calls Odin showed his smug face so that I could kill him for taking from me, everything I ever wanted. My heart was broken, shattered once more. I wish I could speak to his gods, ask them why they have done this to me, have I defied them because I was not Viking but I am so willing to accept the Viking way.

"You are asking the wrong questions" A voiced stated behind me, spinning around I see the goddess looking back at me.

"Then what should I ask"

"Have you not see yet, child, the child you carried would have never been born, it was a sacrifice, a great one, one only you could make, one you will soon understand"

"Tell me this sacrifice, is it for Ivar"

"Yes, it is for your king, now all you need is the blood and soon you and your king will walk as equals," She says before disappearing again. I wander around once again, a yelp causes my head to snap right as I see a raven fly through the trees, Follow it my mind screamed at me, I walk barefooted through the trees as the yelping becomes louder I see a wolf, dead, arrow through the head, frowning, I see four dead pups and one yelping ats his mothers ears, I walk towards it slowly, kneeling I take it, it is no older then a few weeks, It licks my hands as I hold it close to me, it snuggles into me enjoying my warmth, its white fur was stained with blood. Holding it close I make my way back to the village, not noticing my blood-stained dress.

 Holding it close I make my way back to the village, not noticing my blood-stained dress

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