The killing of lies

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The people were buzzing with excitement for a wedding, for a new beginning. I look on as a woman braids Eilish hair, I too have embraced the new braiding styles. I have become one of them in a sense, but as Ivar says I have always been one of them deep in my heart. Deep down I want to believe him, deep down I have fear in my heart, fear of losing this child as well, fear that this might kill me, fear that I will return home to nothing, everything I have built would be destroyed. 

"The woman he found" I lift up my head for staring down to look at Eilish, she frowns at me.

"What about her," I ask getting up and making my way to her.

"Her name is Margrethe, and he is insisting on taking care of her" I lift my eyebrows at her 

"You don't like that do you, him taking care of another woman, one who is spreading lies about your king."

"No, something is not right about her" 

"I'll take care of her" I whisper before smiling at Eilish, she looked beautiful in her red wedding dress, with golden accents. "Your mother would have been so proud of you" I whisper to her holding onto her arm as she smiles at me. 

"I can not wait for them to see the hunt for the first time" She smiles at me...

"I can not wait for them to see the hunt for the first time" She smiles at me

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My people were laughing and dancing in the streets of Kattegat, playing music on the pipes as they walk in front of Hvitserk, I fall into the crowd next to Ivar and Hvitserk. People were clapping and singing along to the old songs.

"You weddings, are they always this festive" Hvitserk screams at me, I smile and nod clapping and dancing.

"This is only the beginning Hvitserk, the hunt is to come and the shooting of the arrows and the feast where we will all join in and dance, weddings are a celebration and for someone as respected as Eilish the who world will dance for" I look back to Ivar who is also clapping and attempting to dance with his braces, I smile at him as he smiles back at me. People cheered as the song ended. Ardan falls into step beside me smiling and laughing 

"Its a wonders day, is it not, who would have thought Eilish the stone cold hearted would marry"  Ivar pulls his face at the dwarfs comment 

"her heart was never cold, it was frozen but Hvitserks love melted it" Evelyn stated from behind us, dressed in all white, with green trimmings, Ardan rolls his eyes at the woman.

"Must you always be so poetic" The woman huffs behind us 

"Must you always be such an ass" her accent pulls through strongly when she is angry, she huffs once more and storms away, I look down to Ardan

" Fine, I'll apologize," he says walking after her, Hvitserk looks to me 

"You know your people well" I nod to him 

"They are my people, I need to know them well," I say turning away and walking towards where the boat will get Eilish. Eilish smiles upon seeing me, she carefully steps into the boat and sits down. I wave her off and make my way back to Ivar and his brothers...

I smile seeing my people laugh and rejoice at the union of Hvitserk and Eilish

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I smile seeing my people laugh and rejoice at the union of Hvitserk and Eilish. Ivar laughs next to me at something Ardan tells him, stories of old times and old tides, stories before my time. Stories are always told, what stories do we leave behind, what stories will be betold of me and Ivar. Will generations remember our names, will our names be written in history for many years to come. I can feel his gaze on me as I look forward to nothingness, my grey eyes barely moving or blinking as I think of what the future holds. Ivars rough hands touch my arm, my head snaps towards him, concern in written on his face as I look at him. I smile at him trying to ensure him that I was fine. was I fine I thought to myself, did I know my own mind, did Ivar? he was speaking of the gods comparing himself to them. 

"Ivar" I whisper "Do you know your own mind?" He frowns at me 

"what kind of question is that"

"You compare yourself to your gods, surely that is wrong" 

"There is nothing wrong, my sweet love, you are alive, I am alive, we are having a child, "He says pulling my hand to his lips. something was wrong Lies where being spread. I nodd getting up and placing a kiss on his head, I make my way outside where two worriors are waiting for me, I nod towards them

"Take me to her" 

We make our way to a cabin away from the town deep in the woods, The men go indide I followw waiting at the door, blade at the ready, the blond woman jumpos up, upon seeing the men in her cabin, my grey eyes scan her fear stained face as she looks to me falling to her knees begging me to spear her life

"Sorry sweetling but you are spreading lies"I whisper as I draw the blade over her throat, blood spills over her milky flesh, I nod to the warrior handing one the blade...  

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