Returning home

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"I  wish to return to my home," I say sadly to Gunhild, The Queen turns around bewildered, I smile down to Mordrid crawling around me and playing with the hem of my dress, "This is not my war anymore, "I say looking towards a sad Elish, her husband had been banished for killing Lagatha, silent tears stream down her face, 

"But Ivar," She says walking towards me her small baby bump showing, I smile towards her, I have grown close to this Queen, but my home was calling me, begging for its rightful ruler to return.

"He has made his choice, one he alone must live with," I say  looking down to my precious little boy  "If he wished to see his son, he will find me, if the gods will it, for now, I have to go home" 

She nods and picks up little Mordred, smiling at him, his giggles and reaches out towards me, his blue and brown eyes shining with the joy of seeing his mother.

"I will miss you, and this little Viking," She says tears in her eyes...


Taking a deep breath I look back on the kingdom of Kattegat, I have learn and lost so much in this unknown place, but others have lost more. I turn back breathing in the salty breeze that washes over my face.

"Why did you leave him a letter, "Elish asks rubbing her swollen belly, I frown looking down to her, eyes red from crying, face plate from restless nights "If Bjorn kills him he will never read it" 

"And what if Ivar Kills Bjorn," I say looking done to Mordred asleep in his basket, a boy cursed to grow up without a father. 

"Do you think he is alive" I frown at the tough woman

"Well you heard that one Viking he said Ivar had join the Russ or someone," I say smiling 

"No Hvitserk" her voice breaking 

"I would hope so, but I do not know" 

"has the goddess said anything" 

"I have not dreamt about her in a long time Elish"

"I  just want to go home" she weeps as I pull her closer towards me...


The land was the best thing to see when you have been on a boat for a long time, I can hear the people cheer and scream as they see the ship arriving, waiting for me on the beach is Ardan, Kai and Sialas all smiling as I get of the ship, Sialas looks bewildered at his pregnant ill-looking sister. Kai's face falls as he does not see the king or Evelin. 

"My Queen?"he says it like a question 

"So much has happened Kai, let us rest and I will tell you"I say taking Mordred from the woman holding, my son, I have not left him alone since Bjorn had taken him from me, when I got him back I cried cradling him close to my chest, power was one thing but the love of a child was eternal...

"Dilion and his rebelion had gotten help from England, we have won back some parts but with an English army on his side we are loosing, northan men would be great to have now," Kai says as I nurse Mordred, I pull my face

"We have to get that wee English basterd of my throne," I say my eyes turning gold 

"We have to get that wee English basterd of my throne," I say my eyes turning gold 

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We had won, I search everywhere for my wife and son, Screaming until my throat hurt. Hvitserk look at me like I had gone mad. A maid touches my arm and I jump back it was Lili, Morgana's maid I frown at her as she hands me a scroll. 

"She left you here"I ask frowning 

"I wanted to stay, wanted to help her one last time, before I greet the gods" I frown at the young woman that walks away from me. I later hear she had drowned herself in the see, I sit down looking down at the scroll, I slowly roll it done and read...

My dearest Ivar

I have gone, I am done fighting a war I was never apart off, a war continues for my home and I need to defend and help my people now. Your son needs a throne to rule over one day. Do not worry about him, he is a strong little warrior already, he will be a great warrior one day just like his father. Do not be sad my love, you will always be in my heart. Return to me once you have fought this war, if you die in battle the goddess will let me know and you will wait for me in Valhalla if I am allowed in, or perhaps you will wait in the afterlife for me and we will live on as king and Queen...Remember who you are Ivar, and never let anyone take it from you, your name will be remembered for centuries. 

Goodbye my king, my love...

Goodbye my king, my love

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An: when you read the letter listen to the song in the beginning please

I know guys, its the end but its not. I am making a Sequel it will be called The Shadow King. I will have to wait for season 6 to continue but I am going to write some chapters about the war for the throne. I also made a video about the song that inspired all of this and the woman who reminded me the most of how I imagined Morigan. I want to thank all of you guys for the votes, the reads and the comments I love all of you guys XXX Thanks for being patient 

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