Some you win, some you lose

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This was a time for war, there would be no peace today, it was time for brother and brother to fight against each other. I stand next to Ivar chariot looking forward as the rest.

"I want to send Hvitserk, Eilish and a portion of the army into the wood, while some of us retreat to the boats, I do not know what Bjorn is up to" Ivar sates looking towards Harald, Harald nod and agrees. With that Hvitserk and Eilish lead a portion of the army into the woodlands.

"I want you to take Astrid with you" Harald states my head snaps back looking at him as he picks up his wife and places her on Ivars chariot. I look towards Harald as Ivar leaves with some of the armies. I nod to him as he nods to me. Taking in a breath, charging forward with the rest of them rushing into battle...

This battle we are loosing there was no other way to tell this tale, blood drains from my body, As Harald makes his way towards me, he grabs me as I fall forward

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This battle we are loosing there was no other way to tell this tale, blood drains from my body, As Harald makes his way towards me, he grabs me as I fall forward. He sounds the horn to retreat, running my feet drag me down as the man gives up and picks me up onto his back running with me. My vision becomes blurry and breathing becomes harsh and uneven.

"Morrigan" I hear Ivars voice, my face searches for him, failing as the distance takes over me "Stay with me". I hear him plead and with that, my eyes fall shut and I decent into darkness...

"Sweet child, it is not your time, get up now, your king is worried about you, he is crying out for you, pleading for you to come back, return now child"

I breathe in causing those around me to jump, Ivar rushes towards my side. His blue eyes bore into me, his face shows worry. As I get up there is a sharp pain in my back

"Do not get up, your back was slashed" Ivar whispers pulling me back to lay down, I shake of his hands and once again rise, through the pain, I look to Ivar and his worried face, I place my hand on his check

"I am fine, Ivar, I have been hurt in worse ways," I say rising to my feet, Ivar follows "We should have Ardan set sail to get Kai and the rest of our forces"

"Yes, but Hvitserk will also be going to Frankia to speak to our Uncle Rollo about getting some of his forces" I nod and turn to look and him "Eilish wants to ask if she can go with him" I smile at him

"She knows she can, I will never hold my people back, but I will tell her, once I see her"...

I lay listening to Ivars breathing as he sleeps next to me, his soft snores show that he is sleeping soundly

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I lay listening to Ivars breathing as he sleeps next to me, his soft snores show that he is sleeping soundly. Sleep did not find me, my thoughts were on the battle, one of the worst I have seen, the death, people waiting for their loved ones to return home only to be greeted by the dead or injured. As I turn the wound on my back sends me a sharp pain, reminding me that it is there, another scar to remember a battle by. Ivar awakes with a fright next to me, I snap around hissing in pain as I move, Ivar turns to me and touches my arm. I look at him with worry.

"Are you alright?" I ask as he lays back down his breath harsh and uneven, I lay down on his chest, Ivar pulls me deeper into him being careful not to hurt my back.

"No, I had a bad dream," he says his voice deep with sleep, I turn my head to look up at him in wonder "I dreamed Lagetha killed you in battle" I touch his chest lightly, my fingers trace the markings on his body. "It was worse then when I found out my mother died, it felt so real, I saw life leave your eyes and I knew you were gone, please don't leave me"

"Ivar, it was a dream, I won't leave you, where you go I go, have you not seen that by now, try to get some rest" I said laying my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat, we laid like that for what seemed to be hours until daylight greeted us and the day had to start... 

I sit by the fire, heating my back, hoping it would help with the pain of the wound. Eilish sits in front of me looking at me er face showing worry as she rests her head on her hand. 

"Are you -"

"Yes, now stop asking, go see the world with him," I say pulling my face in annoyance 

"Don't look now, but this queen is making her way towards you" I let out a sigh and roll my eyes in annoyance once more, She smiles down at me and takes a seat in front of me. Eilish gets up to leave and I shoot a glare at her.

"How is your wound" 

"Fine, just cold" 

"I was wondering-"

"No, I told you to leave me alone, I don't care what you are wondering about, leave me alone," I say getting up and hissing in pain, Eilish is next to me in a flash, helping me up to stand and leave.  

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I stand next to Ivar, As we look over the harbor. Hvitserk and Eilish have retruned, with a great army. the people cheer at them as thy walk towards us, Ivar smiles at his brother. Eilish pulls me in for a hug, my wound was healing nicly. 

"Where is Rollo" Ivar asks 

"Rollo could not come, he had too many responsibilities, but he also told me that he would come back and celebrate with us afterward, Morrigan," he asked looking towards me. "After this war, I would like to marry Eilish, she said you are the closest thing she has to a family and that I should ask you for her hand" I look towards Eilish as he speaks, she is blushing like mad, I look back to Hvitserk and smile

"That took you long enough, of course, Hvitserk" he smiles and pulls me in for a hug...

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