The Full moon

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By now one full moon had passed and there is only one left before the battle, we were preparing, getting the army ready for the fight that is to come. I look up seeing Coleen make her way towards me it has been a month since I have asked her to follow this Queen around. the black haired woman sits down next to me as I sharpen my spear.

"I have information"I nod to her "She went to a fisherman, spoke to him about something, then later that day she went with him, she slept with him, and his crew, this morning she trow up on the docks, believes she is with child"

"But not King Harald"

"No, I do not believe she is"

I make my way towards where Ivar and Heahmund are playing chest, Ivar makes a move and smiles at the man, drinking ale

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I make my way towards where Ivar and Heahmund are playing chest, Ivar makes a move and smiles at the man, drinking ale

"You will be fighting against your brothers, Yes, "Heahmund asks him  

"Yes, perhaps even my brother Bjorn"

"Do they frighten you" I make my way to Ivar and whisper in his ear the news I have found he grins and pats the spot next to him with his hand, I sit down next to him watching as he and Heahmund play.

"No, maybe Bjorn, just a little, I don't find him very smart but he is a great warrior, they call him Bjorn Ironside" Heahmund makes a move removing one of Ivar pawns 

"And the woman the one who killed your mother" I can see Ivar get tense because of this question 

"Lagatha, I have sworn to kill her, and she knows that i will do it, she just doesn't know how bad it is going to be" Ivar states making a move 

"where will you fight"

"I don't know, perhaps they will blockage themselves in Kattegat  the main town"

"That would be foolish"

"Maybe you can help me think of a strategy"

Heahmund laughs at Ivar comment "You would trust me to do that, even though I don't care with side wins"   

"Ahh but you want to win, I see that and I want to be around people who want to win, what you do afterward who cares " 

"The fact is I will only fight for you because I am certain, as certain as I can be that God wishes me to do so, that I am apart of some plan, which I cannot comprehend " Ivar laughs at him, I look up towards Hvitserk who has been looking uncomfortable the whole time they were talking as he speaks 

"Then you believe like us, that you are fated hum"

"No, I still believe I have free will I choose, to fight for you"

"If you are fated, it does not matter if you choose or not, you simply have the illusion of being free to choose"

"I don't know, "Hvisterk whispers, Ivar turns to look at him 

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