Let's talk about England

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A dreamless night was my faith last night, I don't know who was happier me or Ivar, I lay looking over Ivar as he lays with his head on his arms, his gaze traveling over my body

"If anyone asks about what happened, tell them we consummated the marriage," I say laying to look at him in the eyes, Ivar nods

"It's better that way, my prick doesn't even work" he states sliding off the bed like a snake, I frown sitting up to look at him crawl to a table and chair. 

"And how do you know that," I asked standing up and walking towards him, I sit down across from him, he shook his head

"I've tried being with a woman and I could not please her," he says looking down, I raise my eyebrows and stand up, slowly walking to where he sat

"And who was this woman," I asked sitting down on his lap, he looks up to me his eyes big, as I play with the hem of his shirt.

"Her name was Margrethe" His icy orbs boar in me as I pull open his shirt, he looks down and frowns, as I let my fingers run over his body, I can feel him shiver under my touch

"And what did this Margrethe do in your village," I ask pulling his head up to face me

"She was a slave," He says looking into my eyes, I let out a small laugh, and place a kiss on his pulse, goosebumps spread over his skin, As I kiss down his body, his breath becomes harsh and uneven, his face shows confusion as I fall to my knees in front of him, I grin and move back up, placing my head on his

"How do you expect a slave to know how to please a man like you Ivar the boneless" I whisper and place a kiss on his forehead "Oh and it works just fine" I state walking away, Ivar looks down in confusion, I smirk as I leave our chambers... 


What was that what had she done to me, I shake it off as Khal walks beside me. He offered to carry me but I rejected. As we enter the west wing my brothers are waiting for me, my father, however, is nowhere to be found. Hvitserk grins when he sees me, Khal looks down to me and pulls out a chair for me, once I sit Khal stands next to me his hand resting on his blade, he looks forward like I have seen Kai stand next to Morrigan my broken queen. 

"Let's talk about England" I stated, I can feel Khal's gaze on me. Hvitserk shakes his head at me and eats a piece of meat.

"I'm going with Bjorn, you know that why would I go with father," Hvitserk said as Bjorn got up and left the chambers, Khals eyes follow him and then his gaze is back on me.

"And what about you?" I ask pointing to Ubbe and Sigurd

"Once we return to Kattegat, we will stay there and take care for mother," Ubbe says

"Why don't you go with father then Ivar" Sigurd stated looking at me, I shake my head an pull my face

"I'm a king I can't just leave," I say grabbing a berry and popping it in my mouth

"Yes, yes rub it in your King Ivar the boneless" Sigurd mocked "I still wish she left you for the wolves" Sigurd spat at me, In an instant Khal had his blade drawn and pointed towards Sigurds throat, the crescent moon shaped blade fit Sigurds neck perfectly, Khal looked to me for a command 

"I think you're jealous of my King, I think you wished you were him, not just because he is a king now but because of how he is loved, how he is cared for, but make no mistake he might look harmless but there is a warrior inside my King, that I have seen" Khal says as he let go's of Sigurd "I think its time for them to go home my King" He said as he returned to my side

"I think so too Khal" 


I sit on soft near the training grounds, I can see Eilish train new young ones, her screams travel as she screams out commands. 
"You should really be sitting on a chair my Queen" I turn my head finding Ardan walking towards me, I smirk up at him as he sits down next to me, wine cup in hand

"You should really drink less Ardan" Ardan snorts next to me 

"I Drink less never, so how is the king," He asks siping on his wine

"He is good, he went to speak to his brother" Ardan nods "Speak of a man and he shall appear," Ardan says nodding towards Ivar as he crawls towards us

"He is good, he went to speak to his brother" Ardan nods "Speak of a man and he shall appear," Ardan says nodding towards Ivar as he crawls towards us

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"Ardan, good morning," Ivar said as he crawled next to me and sat down, straightening his legs."I think its time for my brothers and father to leave" He whispers as he rests his head on my shoulder, I lean back causing his head to fall to my lap, I smile down at him as he looks up to me with a frown on his face.

"Do you  not wish for them to stay longer?" I ask, running my finger through his hair, he sakes his head and relaxes into my touch, Ardan looks to me and then to Ivar

"I have fixed the boat you came with my King, I could sail today if you wised it" Ivar turns his head towards him

"No we should have a feast greeting my brothers and father," Ivar says as he turns, he is now looking upward to me, I can fell his gaze on me, his hand reaches up and with his index finger he traces my jawline, his finger is rough from crawling I assume his hands are just a rough, I look down at him and smile, he smiles back up towards me.  


A feast was what my King wanted it is what he got, Everyone was laughing and being merry. On my left sat Ivar and to my right Hvitserk, Kai sat across from me and Khal across Ivar. Ardan burst out laughing at something Eilish had whispered to him, I can see a smirk spread over her face as she looks to the young man sitting next to me. 

"Bu toigh leam a bhith a 'rothaireachd air an duine sin mar each fiadhaich" Eilish says pointing towards Hvitserk her speech drunk with wine, the men turned to look at her, they have nor heard our mother tongue yet,

"What did she say," he asked me as I let out a laugh 

"She wants to ride you like a wild horse," I say laughing again, Ardan could not control himself, he fell off his stool from laughing

  "Is dòcha gu bheil a shìol cho làidir agus bheir e dhut còignear chloinne ann an aon turas"( His seed is probably so strong he will give you five children in one go) Ardan said trough laughing 

The men turned to me not understanding, I smile "He is telling her how manly Hvitserk looks" Hvitserk looked down, 

"Dìreach thoir dhomh aon oidhche còmhla ris a 'Bhanrigh agam" (Just give me one night with him my Queen) Eilish asks

"She wants to have one night with you," I say turning to Hvitserk, Ragnar laughed and clapped his hand

"Go, go you would be a fool not to," he says waving his hands in a go motion, Hvitserk nods towards Eilish, She jumps up and skips over Ardan, She grabs his arm and pulls him along with him. Ivar lets out a smirk as fear spreads over his brothers face.

"I would like to thank you Ragnar for bringing your son's here, I am sad to see you go" i say as I get up "But if you will excuse me, I am quite tired" I say, Kai and Ivar both made an attempt to rise with me I lift up my hand "Stay enjoy the feast" Before I leave I lift Ivars face to mine, his icy eyes bore into mine, As I lean down to place a kiss on his lips...  

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