A child promised

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I sit next to Ivar on his new throne, overlooking the people. Ivar holds onto my hand smiling at me he pulls it to his face and places a kiss on my hand.

"My people, soon we will celebrate the marriage of my brother and a trusted commanded To Hvitserk and Eilish"Ivar announces standing he raises his horn, the people follow and cheer. Hvitserk smiles at his brother and me holding up his horn and taking a sip as Ivar does. Ivar looks to me, leaning into me he whispers 

"My uncle knew where they were" I lift my eyebrows at him "He gave us a new trade deal for the information, I am going there now to find them," He says pulling back I look to him 

"Now," I ask

"Yes," Ivar says nodding and taking his leave, I rise and make my way towards Eilish and Hvitserk, I smile at them 

"Today will be the last time you see Eilish" I whisper to Hvitserk, who frowns at me "It is Tradition, I did not follow it, but Eilish wants too," Hvitserk looks towards Eilish, I smile and nod as I walk, two men fall into step behind me. Once again Ivar is protecting me, I frown as I hear mad laughter, its a woman laughing madly, I frown and turn to find Ivar in the bed with a blond woman, blood spills from Ivars chest and from the woman's hands 

"My queen" I'm drawn back to the present by Eilish, who is frowning at me, my head pounds as I look towards her, I shake my head trying to relieve the pain. Eilish places her hand on my shoulder as I lean forward, pain shoots through my body, I draw in a breath looking at Eilish.

"You are in pain"I whisper, causing her to rip her hand from my shoulder, she frowns at me and shakes her head no "Who is in pain!"I scream causing people to turn and look at me "Who here is in pain" I scream once more, as the pain shoots through my head once more, I let out a scream of pain. Evelyn Rushes towards me, "My head Evelyn, my head" I say in pain, tears flow from my eyes, A crowd had gathered outside, I hear a horse approach and like that the pain fades I look up seeing Ivar on his chariot, Evelyn clutches onto me. I rise and make my way towards him, he frowns at me as I fall against his chest, I can feel his anger and frustration. I turn seeing a woman in his chariot,

"They were gone, except this one, they left her behind" Ivar sates holding onto me as I frown at the woman 

"Why is she bound,?"Harald asks I frown at the woman as Hvitserk makes his way to us,

"Because she is mad, Hvitserk you know her don't you" 

 "Of course I remember, hey, "Hvitserk ask talking to the woman almost caring for her, Eilish Hazel eyes dart to me and between the woman and Hvitserk, as he unbound her and picks her up, her eyes follow his movement, She stops him by touching his hand and looking at the woman.

"Who is she?"Eiliesh asks looking up towards him, he whispers something at her and Eiliehs head snaps to me. She lets go of his arm and makes her way towards me and Ivar

"My king, the Queen is not well, she was in pain, I am telling you because I know she would not"Eiliesh stats bowing in front of Ivar, Ivars icy orbs dart towards me, he takes my face in both his hands, overlooking it, looking for the pain in my eyes, I lover my gaze as he pulls my head forward and place a kiss on my head.

"Evelyn, I want you to help and heal your Queen," He says against my head. I pull back seeing Evelyn nod. Grey and blue meet as I look at him "Let her help and get rest, please" Ivar says kissing my head once more before letting go of me and making his way to Kai. Battles had to be planned, I turn to Evelyn and Eilish

"Get me healed, I have a wedding to plan, "I say smiling as I walk with the pair of women.

"Get me healed, I have a wedding to plan, "I say smiling as I walk with the pair of women

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I lay on the furs as Evelyn works around me, her blue eyes dart around my naked body.

"Where did the pain start, "She asks lifting my arm and examining it 

"My head"I whisper, she drops my arm and makes her way towards my head, turning it from side to side, my vision becomes dazed like I am tired like I am about to fall asleep. Evelyn lets go of my head and looks over my body once more, I can feel her small white fingers move over my body, She stops shot once she touched my abdomen, I lean up, she pushes me back down and feels once more, she lets out a squeal of delight, I fly up frowning at the woman, who spins around to one of her people.

"Get the king"She screams turning back to me and handing me my dark green dress, I frown as I dress and Evelyn mixes herbs, Ivar rushed into the room, straight to me, he holds my hand, Lili moves from the back and ties my dress.

"Evelyn," I ask as the woman hums and hands the herb mixture to me. 

"You are with child," She says smiling, I step back in shock, supporting my self on a wooden chair nearby. I look up to Ivar, worry plying in my eyes. Ivar moves forwards towards me. Taking ahold of my waist he puls me into him, holding me as soft sobs escape my lips

"What if it dies again"I whisper looking up towards him, his icy orbs look down to me. 

"We will do anything in our power to stop it" he whispers looking past me...    

SO... I kind of had to play of the part that Freydis is pregnant, to making Morrigan with child again, we will have to see how she deals with is, being afraid to lose another child, but next chapter will be Eilish and Hvitserks wedding, I'm mixing Viking and Celtic traditions in this one... And I know Ivar cant realy have children but Morrigan did heal his legs so yeah...Thanks for all the love and support XXX

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